[Corpora-List] Concrete uses of learner corpus data: summary

Sylviane Granger Sylviane.granger at uclouvain.be
Tue Dec 31 11:57:22 UTC 2013

Dear colleagues,


Thanks to those of you who provided me with information on concrete uses of learner corpus data. I attach a summary of the answers below. The potential is clearly there but it looks as if there are not many up-and-running applications yet. If you have further thoughts on this issue, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Best wishes for 2014!





1) Ana Frankenberg-Garcia: used learner error data in two experiments to find out whether learners can correct typical errors by looking at corpus examples. 


Frankenberg-Garcia (forthcoming) "The use of corpus examples for language comprehension and production". ReCALL Special Issue on Researching Uses of Corpora for Language Teaching and Learning.

Frankenberg-Garcia (2012) "Learners' use of corpus examples".  International Journal of Lexicography, vol 25, 3, pp 273-296. 


2) Jarmo Jantunen: corpus-based electronic learner dictionary ConLexis for Finnish L2 learner: http://wiki.virtues.fi/conlexis/

Jantunen et al (2013). Korpuspohjaista oppijansanakirjaa tekemässä: esimerkkinä ConLexis. Lähivõrdlusi. Lähivertailuja” journal 23



3) Shin Ishikawa: dictionary project based on the ICNALE learner corpus: Wisdom Japanese English Dictionary 2nd Edition, Sanseido, 2013


Ishikawa, S. (2013). How to incorporate findings from LC studies in EFL dictionaries: From misuse to over/underuse. Paper presented at Asialex 2013. 

Related info in Japanese:




4) Maria Belen Diez-Bedmar: DDL activities informed by Computer-aided Error analysis. 


Pérez Cañado, M. L. and Díez Bedmar, M. B. (2006) Data-driven learning and awareness raising: an effective tandem to improve grammar in written composition? International Journal of Emerging Technologies 1(3): 1-11.


5) Špela Arhar Holdt: Online corpus-based language resource for Slovene called Pedagogical Grammar Portal designed for L1 acquisition but containing features that could also be used for L2 learning.



6) Denise Delegá-Lucio: Unpublished PhD dissertation (2013): Variation in Argumentative Essays and Material Design: Multidimensional Analysis and Learner Corpora Applications. Contains activity samples based on tagged learner corpora and BYU COCA. 


7) Cristina Arcuri Eluf: Use of a Learner Corpus ComAprend on the COMET _USP platform to inform teaching materials. http://www.fflch.usp.br/dlm/comet/


Arcuri Eluf (2012). Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language: An interface between Corpus Linguistics and Multiliteracies from an Intercultural perspective. In Lima, D.C. (ed.) Language and its Cultural Substrate: Perspectives for a Globalized World. Pontes.


8) Marcus Callies: uses LC data in DDL activities in SLA classes (e.g. "Analysing learner language", "Advanced learner varietes"). 


9) Maria Kunilovskaya: Russian Learner Translator Corpus (RusLTC available at http://www.rus-ltc.org/) designed for translation training. 

Presentation at http://www.scribd.com/doc/99620866/slides-for-russian-learner-translator-corpus

Description in English at http://www.dialog-21.ru/digests/dialog2012/materials/pdf/133.pdf


De : corpora-bounces at uib.no [mailto:corpora-bounces at uib.no] De la part de Sylviane Granger
Envoyé : mardi 22 octobre 2013 15:12
À : corpora at uib.no
Objet : [Corpora-List] Use of learner corpus data


Dear all,

I'm looking for as much information as possible on concrete uses of learner corpus data for:

- curriculum and materials design (textbooks, vocabulary books, CALL programs, writing aids, etc.)
- reference tools (pedagogical grammars and dictionaries)
- classroom methodology 

Many publications describe the potential use of learner corpus data, but I would like to collect information on actual use. The data can be used indirectly (selection and ordering of sections) or directly (inclusion of error detection and correction exercises based on authentic learner errors, data-driven learning exercises using learner corpus data). 

You can send the information to the list or directly to me. I'll post a summary of the responses to the list. 

Many thanks for your help!

Best wishes,


Professor Sylviane Granger
Director of the Centre for English Corpus Linguistics
Université catholique de Louvain
Place Blaise Pascal 1
Bte L3.03.33 
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
 <http://www.uclouvain.be/en-cecl.html> http://www.uclouvain.be/en-cecl.html

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