[Corpora-List] Call for papers: CLARIN, Standards and the TEI

Martin Wynne martin.wynne at it.ox.ac.uk
Wed Jul 3 12:47:34 UTC 2013

Call for workshop papers


Pre-conference workshop at the Text Encoding Initiative Conference
Rome, Monday 30th September 2013
Workshop website: http://www.clarin.eu/TEI-CLARIN-Workshop-2013
Conference website: http://digilab2.let.uniroma1.it/teiconf2013/
Address for submissions: martin.wynne at it.ox.ac.uk

The keynote speaker for the workshop will be Dr. Alexander Geyken of the 
Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (BBAW).

* Timetable *

Call for papers issued: 1.7.13
Deadline for submissions: 31.7.13
Authors informed of acceptance of proposals: 14.8.13
Workshop date: 30.9.13

CLARIN is a pan-European initiative which aims to build a research 
infrastructure for language resources integrating numerous tools and 
resources in a distributed architecture, and which will respond to the 
needs of researchers across the humanities and social sciences. CLARIN 
is being built on open standards, but also with a recognition that 
standards and guidelines are only one part of a complex jigsaw which 
needs to be assembled to create reliable, durable and high quality 
services. The Text Encoding Initiative is a long-standing community 
which develops guidelines for the encoding of scholarly texts in XML, 
and works with associated technologies. This workshop aims to bring 
together those involved in these two sets of activities to share 
experiences and knowledge, and to find ways to work together 
productively in the next generation of infrastructure services.

The organizing committee of this workshop invite proposals for 
presentations on topics which link together CLARIN and the TEI, including:
- the role of the TEI in developing standards for CLARIN services,
- technical issues in the integration of TEI-conformant resources or 
TEI-aware tools in CLARIN services,
- barriers and problems with the deployment and linking of CLARIN and 
TEI technologies,
- training, awareness and advocacy activities.
Presenters will be asked not to simply present an overview of their 
work, but to focus on precisely how, why (or why not) TEI formats, 
guidelines and technologies are being deployed, and to go into some 
technical detail to do this.

It is hoped that this will be only the start of promoting dialogue and 
collaboration between CLARIN and the TEI at many levels. One result 
would be an improved dialogue about the use of the TEI in higher-level 
initiatives to develop standards for the CLARIN architecture, but 
another would be enhanced engagement directly with the TEI community of 
developers and researchers in the many centres and institutions related 

* Format of proposals *

Proposals should be between 500 and 1000 words, in a text document, and 
should be sent to martin.wynne at it.ox.ac.uk. Proposals should contain a 
title and the names and affiliations of all authors. Full details of the 
call can be found at http://www.clarin.eu/TEI-CLARIN-Workshop-2013.

Martin Wynne
IT Services, University of Oxford
Oxford e-Research Centre
The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities
Faculty of Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics
Director of User Involvement, CLARIN ERIC

Oxford e-Research Centre
7 Keble Road
UK - OX1 3QP

martin.wynne at it.ox.ac.uk

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