[Corpora-List] corpus annotation tool

Hristo Tanev htanev at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Aug 2 06:54:30 UTC 2014

Dear all,
I have got many useful answers to my question, regarding the corpus annotation tool. I am thankful to all who gave me an answer. Here is a brief summary of the answers I have got:

Michele Flannino suggested

Sophie Rosset wrote me about Glozz (http://www.glozz.org/)
 Anil Singh has sent me a link to an annotation tool, called Sanchay
 Sanchay (sanchay.co.in), 
Wladimir Sidorenko and Bollette Pedersen pointed to a tool called WebAnno which has been developed by the University of Darmstadt 

Octavian Popescu has sent me references to two annotation tools:
The first one is called SEMAFOR - http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~nschneid/dscs-tr.pdf
The second one is MATE  - http://code.google.com/p/mate-tools/

Ines Rehbein has sent me a reference to a tool called SALTO:

Omnia Zayed has informed me about the existence of a tool called BRAT  http://brat.nlplab.org/

Sara Tonelli proposed the CAT tool: https://dh.fbk.eu/resources/cat-content-annotation-tool

Craig Pfeifer  wrote me about MAT: http://mat-annotation.sourceforge.net/

Ali Hurriyetoglu has adviced me to use a tool called FLAT and a format, called FOLIA

[1] https://github.com/proycon/flat
[2] http://proycon.github.io/folia/

All the best,
Hristo Tanev
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