[Corpora-List] [Final reminder] CFP: LREC 2014 workshop: OpeNER Workshop: COME HACK WITH OPENER!

Montse Cuadros mcuadros at vicomtech.org
Thu Mar 6 09:04:43 UTC 2014

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DATE:  Monday, 26th May 2014 organised in conjunction with LREC 2014
(26-31 May 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland)

LOCATION:  Conference venue, the Harpa Conference Centre




The OpeNER team is delighted to present a Tutorial and a Hackathon
together in a one-dayworkshop on multilingual Sentiment Analysis and
Named Entity Resolution using the OpeNER NLP pipelines as web services
in the Cloud.

OpeNER hopes to repeat the success from the July 2013 Amsterdam
Hackathon (
in which a broad spectrum of real end user SMEs, Micro-SMEs,
Freelancers and even a few from technology giants, built creative
applications using the OpeNER webservices. For examples of the
applications built follow the URL provided above.

The proposed workshop will present briefly the project, and all the
technology (http://opener-project.github.io/ ) multilingual NLP tools
and resources created within the project. Additionally, it will be a
slot for presentations of demos created before the Hackathon and
presented in the call for papers.

The workshop will be complemented by a half day Hackathon. The
Hackathon will encourage participants to form ad hoc multidisciplinary
teams, brainstorm an idea, implement it and present a demo from which
a winner will be picked by popular vote. Most of the "core developers"
of the OpeNER pipeline technology will be available to help you out
and get started.

All participants will be given access to the collateral needed such as
NLP tools and resources in six languages beforehand from publicly
deployed web services. As of writing the initial versions of the
services are publically available at http://opener.olery.com. In order
to present a demo or paper to the workshop the only thing that needs
to be added is imagination.

The only requirement for Participants in the Hackathon is a laptop
with wifi connection.


The main goal of the workshop is in making the OpeNER technology
visible to the NLP Community stressing the availability of the
multilingual NLP tools, their performance and a show case on the
functionality in an easy to use environment, to demonstrate that the
results of complex NLP systems can be used by both experts and
non-expert to create practical applications.


We invite papers describing a prototype, demo or some experiments
using the already available OpeNER technology. We encourage
participants to play with the tools and set-up demo-applications for
any or all languages covered by OpeNER: English, Spanish, Italian,
Dutch, German and French.

The papers should contain a description, some screenshots, results if
obtained and an url if the demo is accessible presenting the result
obtained after the use of OpeNER web services.

The accepted papers will be presented in the workshop as an example of
the use of the OpeNER technology and they will be published in the
Workshop proceedings.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

Named Entity Recognition and Classification
Named Entity Linking
Linked Open Data knowledge
Sentiment Analysis
Multilingual analysis
Sentiment Lexicons
NLP tools in general
Domain Adaptation
Big Data


We invite the NLP community, and beyond, to come and participate in
the OpeNER Tutorial and Hackathon. The participants will be encouraged
to use the NLP technologies and submit a paper as a result of their
experiences. Moreover, during the workshop, the participants will be
invited to form a team on the day to build a demo based on their
wildest ideas. A winner will be voted on by their peers and go home
with all the Kudos!

The participants are encouraged to bring their own datasets, their own
computer and even their own natural language processors, visualisation
tools, etc. if they wish to integrate them with the OpeNER pipelines.
In the workshop website we will include all the information regarding
the Hackathon organisation.


Seán Gaines (sgaines at vicomtech.org)


Rodrigo Agerri (EHU/UPV)
Montse Cuadros (Vicomtech-IK4)
Francesca Frontini (CNR-ILC)
Seán Gaines (Vicomtech-IK4)
Ruben Izquierdo (VUA)
Wilco van Duinkerken (Olery)


Deadline for 1000 words abstract submission
 9 March 2014

Notification of acceptance
16 March 2014

Final version of accepted paper
28  March 2014


Papers must describe original, completed or in progress, and
unpublished work. Each submission will be reviewed by two programme
committee members.

Papers are invited to submit their experiments and demos as one
abstract (1000 words) and then, published with one of the following

- short papers        (4 pages)

- demo papers     (2-4 pages)

They will be presented as posters and demos.

Papers should be formatted according to the stylesheet, which will be
provided on the LREC 2014 website in due course

Paper review will be blind, so papers should not include the names of
the authors nor affiliations. Accepted papers will be published in the
workshop proceedings.

When submitting a paper from the START page
(https://www.softconf.com/lrec2014/OpeNER/), authors will be asked to
provide essential information about resources (in a broad sense, i.e.
also technologies, standards, evaluation kits, etc.) that have been
used for the work described in the paper or are a new result of your

Moreover, ELRA encourages all LREC authors to share the described LRs
(data, tools, services, etc.), to enable their reuse, replicability of
experiments, including evaluation ones, etc...


OpeNER (http://opener-project.eu) is a project funded by the European
Commission under the 7th Framework Programme. OpeNER (Open Polarity
Enhanced Name Entity Recognition) is a two year project running from
July 2012 until June 2014. The OpeNER project team consists of
partners from Italy, Spain and The Netherlands. OpeNER's primary goal
is to provide a set of ready to use tools in six languages to perform
many typical natural language processing tasks, in the Sentiment
Analysis and Opinion Mining, to be made available primarily to SMEs
and can be easily, and rapidly integrated, into their workflows and
applications. OpeNER aims to be able to orderly detect and
disambiguate entity mentions and perform sentiment analysis and
opinion detection on text, for example, to extract the sentiment and
opinion of customers about a certain target (e.g. Hotel, Restaurant or
other entity).


Carlo Aliprandi (Synthema)
Andoni Azpeitia (Vicomtech-IK4)
Aitor Garcia-Pablos (Vicomtech-IK4)
Angelica Lo Duca (CNR-IIT)
Isa Maks (VUA)
Andrea Marchetti (CNR-IIT)
Monica Monachini (CNR-ILC)
German Rigau (EHU/UPV)
Piek Vossen (VUA)


Dra. Montse Cuadros
Human Speech and Language Technologies
Donostia - San Sebastián - Spain
Tel: +[34] 943 30 92 30
mcuadros at vicomtech.org
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