mustafa.hussain at GET2NET.DK
Tue Oct 15 22:25:49 UTC 2002
Dear Ali Sultani,
Whenever you question the power, there is always an ideology in the question. It is perhaps that' s why, there is no standard, universal, definition of neither power, nor ideology.
There are, however, some works of standard that elaborate on these two quite fuzzy, yet real, concepts in social sciences and humanities.
I would very warmly recommend you to begin with Tuen van Dijk's "Ideology - a multidisciplinary approach". London:Sage.
It will introduce you into a range of the classic works on the theory of ideology and power.
That is my short-hand answer to your query on definition(s) of power and ideology.
By keeping in mind your aims with your PhD- studies, I would also warmly suggest, Fowler, Roger (1996): Language in the news. Discourse and Ideology in the Press. London: Routledge. Its bibliography, not least the argument, might give you appetite for further readings.
And at some stage of your stduies, please do check with some work by the Cambridge sociologist, J.B. Thompson, especially, on the political economy of the media/press in the present era of mass communication.
I hope that the introductory work I have suggested would lead you smoothly into the area of your own enquiry and your future studies in the field.
You should always feel welcomed for any further inquiry in the beginning fase of your prospective studies.
Best Wishes,
Mustafa Hussain, MPhil., Ext. Lecturer,
Dept. of Social Science,
University of Roskilde.
----- Oprindelig meddelelse -----
Fra: "Ali Sultani" <aasultani at YAHOO.COM>
Sendt: 15. oktober 2002 20:20
> Dear Friens,
> I'm a general linguistics student who has recently
> joined Critics List. I have started doing my PhD
> dissertation entitled "Power, Ideology, and Language:
> the Reproduction of the Power in the Press" quite
> recently. Since I am new in CDA, I need your help.As
> the first request, I would be glad if anybody could
> send me a selected bibliography which would help me to
> come to an appropriate definition of power and
> ideology.I also need a list of books and articles
> related to CDA and news text analysis. Any other
> information and suggestion is welcomed as well.
> =====
> With Best Wishes
> Ali Asghar Sultani
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