therapeutic discourse refs
Kathleen Ferrara
k-ferrara at TAMU.EDU
Wed Apr 14 15:14:29 UTC 1999
Psychotherapy is a rich source for those interested in language
because it is constituted by language, and some think, to therapeutic
effect. Discourse analysts, sociolinguists, conversation analysts,
sociologists of language, and occasionally pscyhotherapists take therapy
seriously as an object of study. Specific references to the inquiry about
linguistic correlates of empathy may include work by Leston Havens, who is
one of the few psychiatrists to do scholarly work on language.
Havens, Leston. 1988. Making Contact: Uses of Language in
Psychotherapy. Harvard U. Press.
Havens, Leston. 1978. Explorations in the uses of language in
psychotherapy: Simple empathic statements. Psychiatry, 41, 336-345.
Havens, Leston. 1979. Ditto above: Complext empathic statements.
Psychiatry, 42, 40-48.
Ferrara, Kathleen 1992. The interactive achievement of a sentence:
Joint Productions in Therapeutic Discourse. Discourse Processes, 15,
207-228 also deals with linguistic expressions and creations of empathy
through spliced sentences created by 2 interlocutors.
Also, Ferrara, Kathleen. 1994. Therapeutic Ways with Words. Oxford
U. Press. shows how other practices such as using strategic repetition or
extensions of metaphor create empathy.
In the counseling vein, Frank Gaik 1992, Radio talk-show therapy
and the pragmatics of possible worlds. In Rethinking context. Alessandro
Duranti and Charles Goodwin (eds. ) Cambridge U. Press. pp. 271-290 details
how the goal of counselling (giving advice) differs from that of
psychotherapy (facilitating self-knowledge).
Seminal early work by Ruth Wodak (1981) How do I put my problem:
Problem presentation in therapy and interview Text 1, 191-213 and by
William Labov and David Fanshel. 1977 Therapeutic Discourse: Psychotherapy
as Conversation. NY: Academic Press hold much of interest.k
Kathleen Ferrara
Associate Professor of Linguistics
Dept. of English
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-4227
(409) 845-6451
fax: (409) 862-2292
e-mail: k-ferrara at
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Kathleen Ferrara
Dept. of English
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-4227
(409) 845-6451
fax: (409) 862-2292
e-mail: k-ferrara at
--- end forwarded text
Kathleen Ferrara
Dept. of English
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843-4227
(409) 845-6451
fax: (409) 862-2292
e-mail: k-ferrara at
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