Cognitive stylistics

zmaalej zmaalej at GNET.TN
Sun Sep 26 19:28:31 UTC 1999

Dear all

As far as my knowledge goes, there exist the following approaches to the
analysis of style: literary stylistics (e.g. Burton; Toolan), linguistic
stylistics (e.g. Short), pedagogical stylistics (e.g. Widdowson), formalist
stylistics (e.g. Jakobson), functional stylistics (e.g Halliday), affective
stylistics (e.g. Fish), radical or critical stylistics (e.g. Burton;
Fowler), pragmatic stylistics (e.g. Sperber & Wilson).  I am interested to
know whether the concept of "cognitive stylistics" exists. If it does, can
people on this list direct toward some of the literature.

Thanks for your collaboration.

Zouhair Maalej,
Department of English Chair,
Faculty of Letters, Manouba, 2010,
University of Tunis I, TUNISIA.

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