Films for teaching

Barbara Johnstone bj4 at ANDREW.CMU.EDU
Thu May 17 21:25:47 UTC 2001


I've just ordered for our library a short film called Le Mur.  It's one of
a set of European short films (67 minutes) made in connection with the
Millennium.  It's a good fictional treatment of the Francophone-Flemish
conflict in Belgium -- which is apparently a lot more heated than I thought
-- with an apocalyptic, sci-fi angle and characters in their 20s; the film
itself is bilingual and subtitled in English.  They have it at West Coast
Video. Here is the info:

The Wall (Le Mur)
Directed by Alain Berliner
cat. # FLV1627  [I don't know what catalog this refers to]
1988, La Sept ARTE/Haut et Court/WFE
Fox Lorber Films
distributed by Winstar TV and video

--On Thursday, May 17, 2001 11:29 AM -0700 Scott Kiesling
<sfkiesling at YAHOO.COM> wrote:

> Hi-
> I'm in search of films for teaching a cross-cultural
> (intercultural) communication class. I am NOT looking
> for films ABOUT this topic, but rather films that
> would be good to use as examples of intercultural
> communication, or as examples of discourse norms in
> various cultures. I also may use these as primary data
> for student papers, if I can find some good ones.
> Please send me any ideas/suggestions, especially if
> you have used such films before!
> I will post a summary and eventually my complete list
> (I've tried to search for an existing list but have
> found none).
> Thanks-
> Scott
> Scott Kiesling
> University of Pittsburgh
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Barbara Johnstone
Professor, Department of English
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh PA  15213-3890

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