Films for teaching

Roy, Cynthia B croy at IUPUI.EDU
Thu May 17 21:30:37 UTC 2001

Sorry Scott, misunderstood what you wanted. How about an old film called the
Ballad of Gregorio Cortez? It's the story of Spanish speaking people in and
around the US in the days of cowboys and how a guy gets caught up in a life
and death situation over the misunderstanding of the meaning of one word.
Video stores can usually find it. We use it to show students who are
becoming interpreters. Pretty powerful.

Cynthia B. Roy

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Kiesling [mailto:sfkiesling at YAHOO.COM]
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 1:29 PM
Subject: Films for teaching


I'm in search of films for teaching a cross-cultural
(intercultural) communication class. I am NOT looking
for films ABOUT this topic, but rather films that
would be good to use as examples of intercultural
communication, or as examples of discourse norms in
various cultures. I also may use these as primary data
for student papers, if I can find some good ones.

Please send me any ideas/suggestions, especially if
you have used such films before!

I will post a summary and eventually my complete list
(I've tried to search for an existing list but have
found none).



Scott Kiesling
University of Pittsburgh

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