CLIC 2004: CFP
Francis M Hult
Sun Jan 25 02:16:13 UTC 2004
> 10th Annual Conference on Language, Interaction and Culture
> Thursday, May 13 - Saturday, May 15, 2004
> University of California, Los Angeles
> Presented by
> The Center for Language, Interaction and Culture Graduate Student
> Association at the University of California, Los Angeles
> and
> The Language, Interaction and Social Organization Graduate Student
> Association at the University of California, Santa Barbara
> Plenary Speakers
> Alexandra Jaffe
> California State University, Long Beach
> Susan U. Philips
> University of Arizona
> J=FCrgen K. Streeck
> University of Texas, Austin
> Don H. Zimmerman
> University of California, Santa Barbara
> Submissions should address topics at the intersection of language,
> interaction, and culture and would preferably be based on recorded,
> naturally-occurring interaction. We welcome abstracts from graduate
> students and faculty. Speakers will have 20 minutes for presentation=20
> and 10
> minutes for discussion. A subset of papers presented at the conference=20
> will
> be published in the conference proceedings, Crossroads in Language,
> Interaction, and Culture.
> Abstracts are due no later than Friday, February 6, 2004 by electronic
> submission only.
> Please see submission guidelines below and the CLIC GSA webpage at
> for more information.
> Center for Language, Interaction and Culture, Graduate Student=20
> Association
> University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Applied Linguistics
> P.O. BOX 951531 3300 Rolfe Hall, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1531
> clicgsa at
> This year we are only accepting submissions electronically through our
> website. Please go to=20
> to submit your abstract.
> When accessing the submissions webpage, be prepared to provide the=20
> following
> information:
> * Name(s) of author(s)
> * Affiliation(s) of author(s)
> * The preferred address, phone number, and email address for=20
> notification
> * The title of the paper
> * A note indicating your equipment requirements
> * An abstract of no more than 500 words
> * Any additional comments
> In your abstract, clearly state the main point or argument of the paper.
> Briefly discuss the problem or research question in reference to=20
> previous
> research and the work's relevance to developments in your field. You may
> include a short example to support your main point or argument. Be sure=20
> to
> state your conclusions, however tentative.
> Please write your abstract in language accessible to a wide audience.
> Abstracts will be anonymously reviewed by scholars from a variety of=20
> fields
> including (but not limited to) anthropology, applied linguistics and
> sociology. Papers will be accepted based on reviewers' evaluations of=20
> these
> anonymous abstracts.
> Deadline for the receipt of abstracts is Friday, February 6, 2004. Late
> submissions will not be accepted. Notification of selection decisions=20
> will
> be sent via email in March 2004.
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