[EDLING:143] UK: Learning the lingo

Francis M. Hult fmhult at DOLPHIN.UPENN.EDU
Sun May 20 01:32:02 UTC 2007


Learning the lingo

Modern languages are fast gaining popularity with primary pupils. Get them 
hooked with lessons that are practical and fun 

The children are taking part in role-plays within an area of the classroom that 
has been specifically set out for structured talk. This week, a desk and a 
couple of chairs are transformed into a café with the help of a pretty 
tablecloth, a bunch of flowers and a menu offering an assortment of treats. 

You may be thinking that this scene is taking place at the foundation stage 
rather than in a class of key stage 2 children. But then you may not have 
realised that the talking is geared up to teaching pupils Spanish rather than 

Full story

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