Help for dyslexic students a mixed bag

Francis Hult francis.hult at
Thu Mar 26 14:05:51 UTC 2009

Palo Alto Daily News


Help for dyslexic students a mixed bag


We can all remember grade-school books with titles like "Adventures in Reading." If the books were new, cracking them open and smelling the fresh ink during the first few days of school might actually have been an adventure. 


But for an estimated 3 to 10 percent of our classmates, opening that book produced dread. They may have seemed shy, and wanted nothing more than to remain uncalled upon by the teacher. If they were asked to read or to explain what they had read, they stumbled badly. They were often called slow readers or slow learners, and if no one recognized what was going on with them, they could attain their goal of being in the forgotten part of class.


Many of these slow readers had the most common learning difficulty or disability - popularly called dyslexia - or in education circles, a specific learning disability. For those of us who had no problem learning to read, comprehending that many others have problems connecting symbols on pages with associated sounds, or understanding that some students looking at individual letters fail to connect them into words and meaningful sentences - is difficult.


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