Call for papers
Prithvi Shrestha
pnshrestha at
Sat Nov 30 12:38:00 UTC 2013
Apologies for any cross postings.
Sent on behalf of Dr Ghanashyam Sharma. Please respond directly to
Ghanashyam.Sharma at
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have recently drawn a lot of attention
across the world among teachers, scholars, and academic institutions. While
MOOC providers, media outlets, and some teachers/scholars have viewed the
phenomenon as a positive advancement in higher education, many scholars are
worried that MOOCs might ultimately undermine the qualities and values that
sustain higher education within and across national borders more
significantly than they contribute positively. Teachers and scholars in
different contexts and countries need to broaden and deepen the
conversation so that the positive potentials are realized while also
recognizing the pitfalls of this advancement.
As guest editors for the *Journal of Global Literacies, Technologies, and
Emerging Pedagogies, *my colleague Michael Murphy and I are inviting
scholars who represent different perspectives, disciplines, countries, and
contexts to consider submitting article manuscripts for a special
MOOCs-focused issue of the journal. If you would like to contribute to the
eclectic collection that we are striving to make this issue, your
perspective/experience would add tremendous value to the conversation.
Please find attached the CFP, which is also available at
Thank you for your consideration.
Shyam Sharma
On behalf of JOGLTEP
Special Issue Editors:
Shyam Sharma <ghanashyam.sharma at>, Assistant Professor, SUNY
Stony Brook
Michael Murphy <michael.murphy at>, Assistant Professor, SUNY
Dr Prithvi Shrestha
Lecturer in ELT | Department of Languages
Faculty of Education and Language Studies | The Open University | Milton
Keynes MK7 6AA | United Kingdom
Direct line: +44(0) 1908 654265
Work details:
Projects: English in Action (Bangladesh), TESS-India (India), Formative
Assessment (UK)
Joint Coordinator, IATEFL ESP SIG:
Editor-in-Chief: Journal of NELTA
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