[Edling] CFP
Manel Herat via Edling
edling at lists.mail.umbc.edu
Tue Feb 18 16:14:51 UTC 2025
Dear Colleagues,
I would be very grateful if you could share this call for papers.
Thanks so much,
Welcome to AMLI 2025
The fifth conference on Approaches to Migration, Language, and
Identity (AMLI 2025) takes place at Liverpool Hope University from
Monday 8th to Tuesday 9th September, 2025.
Migration is one of the defining forces shaping the modern world. In
the current landscape of continuous population flows driven by
conflicts, climate change and economic pressures, migration is
reshaping societies and foregrounding issues of language, identity and
belonging. With its legacy as a maritime hub, Liverpool bears witness
to centuries of linguistic encounters through migration and the
forging of transcultural identities. Therefore, the organisers of AMLI
2025 welcomes submissions for paper and poster presentations from
February 1st 2025 to March 31st. Scholars working on migration,
language and identity in disciplines such as the humanities,
disability studies, education, geography and social sciences are
invited to submit their proposals. Proposals for research papers could
cover, but are not restricted to, the following topic areas:
Submit your abstract according to the following instructions.
Proposals for research papers could cover, but are not restricted to,
the following topic areas:
1. Language, migration and technology
a) apps and online courses which help migrant's language acquisition
b) the role played by social media in connecting migrant communities
and preservation of linguistic identity
c) the impact of machine translation and interpreting language using
AI in different applied contexts, e.g. health, education
d) migrants use of digital platforms to access health, education,
legal services in host language(s) and issues of privacy and
e) The language used in media representations of migrants
2. Lifestyle migration, language and identity
a) Language and identity in retirement migration
b) Lifestyle migrants' emotional connection (or lack thereof) to new places
c) The connection between language, identity and social status
3. Language, transnationalism and identity
a. the negotiation of linguistic identities across borders
b. bilingualism and multilingualism in transnational families
c. The influence of global media on migrant identity and language use
across borders
d. The emergence of hybrid identities
4. Migration, language and intersectionality
a. Language barriers, disability and identity
b. The role of language in bi-cultural romance
c. LGBTQ+ migrant identities
d. language as a marker of discrimination
5. Historical cases of language and migration
a. trade routes and the development of lingua francas
b. historical refugee movements and language shift
c. child migrants and language acquisition
d. impact of colonialism on the development of new varieties of English
Proposals for papers should be anonymous and include:
1. Research question,
2. References to related research,
3. Research methodology,
4. (Expected) results.
Abstracts should not exceed 400 words, including title and references.
Please submit abstracts to amli at hope.ac.uk
The deadline for submitting abstracts for papers is March 31st, 2025.
Authors of individual papers and posters will receive a notification
of acceptance latest by 31st May, 2025
Further information about conference registration and accommodation
will follow in the next few weeks.
If you have any queries, please email heratm at hope.ac.uk
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