Appeal from Finno-Ugrists in Helsinki (2nd try)

Johanna Laakso jolaakso at
Wed Apr 17 10:14:04 UTC 1996

Dear colleagues,

once again, my attempt to mail a text to this list resulted in a blank 
message. Is there anything to be done?

In any case, this text is also in the Web. The URL of our English 


------- Johanna Laakso <Johanna.Laakso at Helsinki.FI> -------------
------ Helsingin yliopisto, Suomalais-ugrilainen laitos ---------
-- University of Helsinki, Department of Finno-Ugrian Studies ---
------------- -----------------


		Helsinki, 16.4.1996

Dear colleagues

As you may know Raija Bartens Professor Ordinarius of Finno-Ugrian 
Linguistics at Helsinki University is due for retirement in the near 
future. The university and the Faculty of Humanities have decided to 
change some offices of professor into "a removable and periodic post". 
The Faculty of Humanities is now planning to change the professor's 
office of Finno-Ugrian Linguistics into "a removable and periodic post".

The office is more than 100 years old and we, at our Department, consider 
this position an internationally important one. Changed into "a removable 
and periodic post" would mean there would be no guarantee for the 
continuation of the professorship at the termination of the five-year 
period. After five years the professorship could simply be removed to 
another field! The Department of Finno-Ugrian Linguistics has argued 
against this plan, but until now despite our efforts it seems unlikely 
that any changes to this arrangement will be maid (see enclosure). This 
proposal concerning the future of the professorship will be presented by 
the Faculty of Humanities and the final decision will be made by the 
Rector of the University.

Dear colleagues, we now ask you to support our efforts to maintain the 
office of Professor Ordinarius office of Finno-Ugrian linguistics at 
Helsinki University. We invite you to send your opinion in writing (an 
express letter is desirable) to the Faculty of Humanities (Humanistinen 
tiedekunta, PL 3 (Fabianinkatu 33), FIN-00014 Helsingin yliopisto, Finland; 
the e-mail address of secretary of Department Leena Barros is: 
leena.barros at We would also be grateful if you could send a 
copy of it to our Department (Suomalais-ugrilainen laitos, Castrenianum, 
PL 3 (Fabianinkatu 33), FIN-00014 Helsingin yliopisto; telefax 
+358-(9)0-191 23329; the administrator of our Department is Katariina 
Grämer, e-mail: gramer at Thank you!

On behalf of the Department of Finno-Ugrian studies (University of Helsinki)

Seppo Suhonen			Raija Bartens
Professor of Finnic languages	Professor of Finno-Ugrian linguistics
Chairman of the Department of Finno-Ugrian Studies

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