anotherforwarded message

Mari Rhydwen rhydwen at
Thu Sep 12 02:23:46 UTC 1996

Another message I keep trying to forward!

>Dear all,
>the German weekly magazine "FOCUS" is about to publish a series of
>articles on the general topic of "The Power of Language", probably in
>some of their October issues.
>As one of the consultants of this series, I had the opportunity of
>mentioning the problem of language endangerment, which will play a
>certain role in the articles. In particlular, the "Lost Language Day"
>idea attracted the journalists' interest quite a lot. I think this is a
>brilliant opportunity to further promote this idea, the more so since
>"FOCUS" is one of our major magazines, enjoys considerable popularity
>and reaches a tremendous number of readers in all German-speaking
>countries and abroad. Since, after a period of vivid discussion, our
>list has become a bit silent on these matters, I would like to have some
>information on the state of the art. Have there been any concrete
>activities, such as forming groups responsible for the promotion of LLD,
>setting a date for the first LLD, designing flyers, etc.?
>I would appreciate if you could send me any relevant info.
>Hans-Juergen Sasse.

Mari Rhydwen, Communication Studies,Humanities, Perth, WA 6150, Australia

Telephone: 09 360 2217  Fax: 09 360 6367

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