ELL: the "studied" vs . the "studiers"

Gail M. Coelho gail at utxvms.cc.utexas.edu
Thu Apr 1 03:04:14 UTC 1999

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Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 21:04:14 -0600
From: "Gail M. Coelho" <gail at utxvms.cc.utexas.edu>
Subject: Re: ELL: the "studied" vs . the "studiers"
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At 10:55 PM 3/31/99 +0200, you wrote:
>Like I said, it's the Endangered Languages List, not the
>Slam them Missions and Christians List.

Ah, but on an Endangered Languages list, you should expect at least *some*
people to raise objections to what missionaries did and continue to do to
the cultures (and thus languages) of people whose languages are endangered.
I don't believe people interested in preventing languages loss or in
working with communties who speak endangered languages are going to get
very far if they don't come to grips with the missionary problem.

I personally would not adopt Matthew's agressive tone, because it turns
people off rather than promote dialogue but then, I don't like your tone
either! Also, Matthew's anger is representative of the intense anger that
many communities feel about missionary activity, as well as colonialism. So
I think Matthew's agressive voice has its place on this list as a reminder
to us of the fact that, as linguists, we must face the missionary issue and
try to deal with it, *as part* of our efforts to understand the endangered
languages issue.

Gail Coelho
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