ELL: spamming the ELL list

Gail M. Coelho gail at utxvms.cc.utexas.edu
Thu Apr 1 02:43:29 UTC 1999

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Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 20:43:29 -0600
From: "Gail M. Coelho" <gail at utxvms.cc.utexas.edu>
Subject: Re: ELL: spamming the ELL list
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At 04:11 PM 3/31/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I have to agree with Matthew here. Political activism is or should be an
>integral part of endangered-languages work. Such boycotts require large
>numbers of people, and if he's restricted from posting the info to ELL,
>where else is he going to post it?

I agree to that. Whether we agree or not with the exact content of
Matthew's messages or his style of arguing, he does have the right to
express them and in whatever style he chooses. Also the issue he raises of
how the word for 'high priest' in the New Testament or other such words is
to be transalated into world languages is one that is relevant to the work
we do on endangered languages. These issues *are* politically charged and I
am interested in hearing how people around the world respond to such
transalation-related topics.

 Jeff's point about those who pay per minute for
 >access, though, is a good one.
 I don't know what to say about that, but I'd
 >certainly hate to see this list become restricted to polite but bland and
 >largely ineffectual correspondence merely to accomodate a few people.
 >Certainly, any and all messages with substantive information about
 >endangered languages ought to be welcome here.

 I agree again,

 Gail Coelho

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