Most Recently Recorded Data on Kusunda Language
B. K. Rana
bk_rana at YAHOO.COM
Sat Mar 6 15:17:31 UTC 2004
The Fifth Harvard Roundtable on
Ethnogenesis of South and Central Asia
Cambridge MA, USA
May 10 - 11, 2003
B. K. Rana[2]
Kusundas, previously foraging people around the Himalayas; believed to be remnants of some broken tribe during the great transitional eras of society are deemed very precious by all the real students of ethnology with ethnic facts of high values. [Hodgson 1857]. These peoples are now nearing extinction.
Population 164 in total. Male 85 and female 79. Speakers 87 [National Population Census Report 2002/], however, differences persist against the report. After the discovery of Raja Mama [Kusunda] in February 2000, there is a reasonable awareness among the Kusundas. Thus the number seems to have considerably increased than our previous estimate around 50 in total.
Kusunda language is enormously important. It is not yet fully studied and classified. Ethnologue declared this language dead in 1985 []. Below are some of the most recent data on this language.
Agricultural Products:
ipan= maize [ makai (Np)]
sisin=paddy/rice [dhan (Np)]
kharubau = wheat [gahu (Np)
rankumame = millet [ kodo (Np)]
gisakala= oat [jau (Np)]
paizo abok= pulses [ dal (Np)]
uthomame = millet [phapar (Np)]
kapang = turmeric [ besar (Np)]
waigai = ginger [ aduwa (Np)]
began= chili [ khursani (Np)]
olang= sugar [chini (Np)]
jakau= a kind of herb with pungent smell [ timmur (Np)
xanthroxylum alatum ( Gk )]
ramkanda=pumkin (pharsi ( Nep)]
lankan = cucumber (kakro Nep)]
mako= a part of arum lily, the root of which is eaten [pidalu ) caladium arumaciae (Gk)]
Caste/Tribal names :
yagambu = Magar [ one of the Janajatis[3] { indigenous peoples} as: Rana, Thapa, Ale, Buda. Pun, Budhathoki, Roka etc.]
inwak= Brahman/Bahun [Upaddhya, Jaisi]
raksa = Chhetriya /Khas Chhetri/ Thakuri Chhetri
kaubade = Kami [blacksmith - Dalit[4] - untouchable[5] Shudra]
inaurat = Tharu ( the other ethnic people in the Terai of Nepal)
danjila= Badi [ singer/dancer - untouchable Shudra ]
ignited= Sarki [ cobbler - untouchable Shudra]
paitawa = Darjee /Damai [ tailor - Dalit untouchable Shudra ]
jantal= Gaine [bard - Dalit untouchable Shudra]
gemyhak = Thakuri [ King/Raza]
kharugan = red
sokchhogaram = black
kasigan/kasiki= white
kisagan = to cut
rangu = to get angry
gaman = to eat
aga= to come
gepanagu = to talk
yuagu = to sleep
hapagu gaman= to eat[baked]
hulagu ,, = to eat [cooked]
dagai = went
tagai = to go
agai = to come
yanagan = to defecate
kachhago= to tear
hangnu= to sit
kyuago = to scratch
seago/chimago= to wash
ping = in front of
angze = above
kujang = less/little
mane/mony = many
malang = slow
siba = fast
easta = near
huntung = far
Adjectives :
hunkai = small
khoyet= dumb
khombogai= insane
puhut= hot
yakhau = cold
uhin = good/nice
kolam = bad/ugly
1. hampe nagan ?.
where to go ?
2. hampe nugun ?
where [have] you come from ?
3. nu rangu [ kambukai rangu ?]
you are angry
4. aaitphera gepanago
again speak [tell me]
5. ghasagaman [ghasa +gaman]
cigarette smoking
6. kisagan lappa dagai
cut blood went
7. gelong ja put agan
jungle fire [smoke] came
8. malang anin
slow do not [be]
9. siba aga
quick come [you]
10. nulumbuagan
nu lumbu + agan
men fight start
11. ipan khaugo
maize bake [to] prepare popcorn
Some Observations:
1) ipan (maize), sisin, (paddy), kharubau (wheat) etc. in Kusunda cannot be found in other TB languages .
2) Kusundas have their own words for a particular group of peoples in their neighborhood. However, some other group of peoples also have such names for example : katha or katte for Brahmins, khas or khasiya for Chhetriyas, kode for Newars, kiruwa for Rais bhote for most Himalayan peoples. But these are all Nepali words and are for derogative usage. What is interesting here is that such Kusunda words are not for any derogatory meaning.
3) Most Kusunda verbs are found with agan, aman, ago, agai, agu, ugun etc. prefixes. These prefixes determine tense of a particular verb as kisa+agan= to cut, yan+agan = to defecate, ga+man = to eat , tu+gun = come [V3 or past participle], ta+gai to go [base or V1], da+gai[goV2 or past ], da+gan = going [progressive or + ing form] etc.
4) Color words for red and yellow have agan prefix as kharugan = red and kapangan = yellow and wan for green and blue as in hariwan andneelwan. These hariwan and neelwan have Sanskrit roots.
Annex 1: Origin Story of Kusundas[6]
1. /hancaa?i cinda mong-andi daahat gitaak ci?nda /
firstly that king-to three children were
2. /taaina? isyi naha mong wa?aaid-ai gidi duguci mizar
then there from king die -(v) his son eldest
mong dhanzigan/
king became.
3. /na mong-a-nun keti kam-ai/
this king -?- (v) field work (v)
4. /tainaa qaadi ug-uo-da/ waaci watudan/
then paddy come up not, bushes grew
5. /qapiraa mahi mudadi-g-ai aambugatan wet-uoda/
and water buffalo milk- he- (v) milk come not.
/qapiraa mudada-ai uyu watan/
and milk - (v) blood come-out.
6. /qapiraa gidaa-nun iyan-da zingia arzigan/
and he -(p) leg -on oil rub
7. /paasidai naatu mihaa? waad-ai/
black like man come-out -(v)
8. /mizut manzala-nun aa?-zi/
younger (brother) second - (p) say -(v)
9. /mam nu natan kamanan anu-n-na
brother you whatever work do- you - ?
wein ag-uoda/
good is not.
10. /nu raaza daanzi-nu yi?aaninu/
you king remain you can not
11. / nu gilong dazi haau-nu yotata?a-zi pa?adaan-zi/
you forest live go -you beg-(v) hunt- (vi)
12. /taina gilong-da mihaa? isyi naha ugi/
then jungle -in man there from come
13. /manzala paalo ugan raaza gua/
second son turn come king be
14. /manzala kaam agandan kanianzi wein agan/
second son work done all good become
15. /sambaga manzala raaza git baha dambagan/
thus second son king he firm got
16. mong-nun candi puza agandan
king Chandi worship done.
[1] This handout is in sequel to my paper presented to the Fourth Harvard Roundtable on Ethnogenesis of South and Central Asia - May 11 -13, 2002 [,] , This work is not completely accomplished. We need more time to fully understand the language.
[2] This handout includes most recently recorded materials from the field [ April 16 - 23, 2003]
however, some other from the paper mentioned above can be found in it
Saturday, May 10, 2003
[3] Janajatis are those peoples who have their own mother tongue and culture but who do not fall in the four fold Hindu caste hierarchy of Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaisya and Shudra. His Majestys Government of Nepal has recognized 59 different Janajatis in Nepal . Kusunda is one of them.
[4] The peoples of Indo-Aryan descent, language and culture: who fall in Shudra category within Hindu caste hierarchy ,are generally known as the Dalits of Nepal. ( Please see Ambedkar ). The government has recognized 21 different Dalits in Nepal. Dalits , more specifically, are dehumanized, exploited, oppressed and suppressed in the contemporary societies. Literally Dalits suggest - ground people between social mortars, sunken in swamps metaphorically and coming out of which is difficult and grudging, if not impossible.
[5] There is a need for clarity as to what Dalit means in current context. It was the Muluki Ain (Civil Code 1854) that gave a legal basis to caste hierarchy in Nepalese society. The first category grouped ethnic/caste groups as 1) Water Acceptable, and 2) Water Unacceptable or Untouchable. The Water Acceptable were sub-categorized as:
a) Thread-wearer,
b) Non-enslavable Matawali and
c) Enslavable Matawali
Matawali literally means alcohol drinkers and can be equated with tribal ethnic or Janajatis. The Water Unacceptable were also sub-classified into two: (a) Water purification unnecessary, and (b) Water-purification necessary. The Country Code or Muluki Ain (1854) was revised in 1963 but the democratic Constitution of 1990 labels Nepal as Hindu Kingdom and untouchability remains a fact of every day discrimination. The Country Code did not have the words such as a Dalit and Janajati, which are frequently in much currency. The word Dalit has been commonly used to refer to the Water Unacceptable or impure or Untouchables.
[6] A Preliminary Linguistic Analysis and Vocabulary of the Kusunda Language by Johan Reinhard and Sueyoshi Toba, Summer institute of Linguistics, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. September 1970
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