unknown error code

Jordan Bigio j-bigio at northwestern.edu
Wed Mar 17 17:21:26 UTC 2004

If I remember correctly, I received that error as well yesterday, though
not in using the same function. I think it refers to a discrepancy b/w the
setting on the display device in Eprime and the display resolution set on
your computer. These must match for Eprime to run. This may not be the
problem in your case, but that's what I remember it giving me.


At 12:07 PM 3/17/2004 -0500, Gary Klatsky wrote:
>At the point where I am trying to display a textbox that contains a fixation
>mark I received the following runtime error
>11009: Internal Error: Drawing error 0x887601c2
>That code doesn't exist in my Eprime Reference Guide.  Anyone know what it
>Gary J. Klatsky, Ph. D.
>Director, Human Computer Interaction M.A. Program
>Department of Psychology                klatsky at oswego.edu
>Oswego State University (SUNY)       http://www.oswego.edu/~klatsky
>7060 State Hwy 104W                      Voice: (315) 312-3474
>Oswego, NY 13126                           Fax:   (315) 312-6330

Jordan D. Bigio, B.A.
Project Coordinator
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
Northwestern University
2240 N. Campus Dr., Frances Searle Building, Rm. 2-342
Evanston, IL 60208
Phone: 847-491-3647

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