closing another application when Eprime resumes from suspend

Matthew matthewdwood82 at
Thu Jan 28 21:11:13 UTC 2010

Hello everyone,

This is my first forum post, and I am an E-prime 2 user.  In my
protocol, I am displaying some instructions, suspending E-prime to go
to a web browser, returning to Eprime for a distractor task, and
suspending E-prime again to open a new web browser window.  I am doing
this by modifying the "Suspend/Resume" sample on PST's support site
Mode=View&SampleID=27).  I created two instances of the inline object
in the sample.  After setting all the variables to zero at the end of
the first inline and removing the declaration statements in the second
inline, I sandwiched my list object for the distracter task in the

This works great when the first browser instance is closed before the
logical expression...

nExitCode = STILL_ACTIVE And (Clock.Read - nStartTime < X)

...evaluates to false because X is reached.  However, if the first
browser instance is left open when E-prime resumes control, then the
second time I suspend Eprime, it resumes as soon as it opens the
second browser window.  I think this has something to do with Eprime
evaluating that the first instance of the browser is still open, since
the second inline should change nStartTime to a new value as soon as
the second browser is launched.

Do any of you have insights on how I can get Eprime to either 1) close
the first browser window OR 2) not flake out when calling for a second
browser to be open?

Thanks for your help,

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