closing another application when Eprime resumes from suspend

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Thu Jan 28 21:42:49 UTC 2010


Don't you hate it when someone gives you a useless answer to a 
question you did not ask?  Well, I have never explored E-Prime's 
Suspend/Resume features, but I think you could run your design much 
better in Empirisoft MediaLab (possibly combined with their DirectRT) 
rather than E-Prime.  But maybe somebody else here has a real answer for you.

-- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder
"If all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail."

>This is my first forum post, and I am an E-prime 2 user.  In my
>protocol, I am displaying some instructions, suspending E-prime to go
>to a web browser, returning to Eprime for a distractor task, and
>suspending E-prime again to open a new web browser window.  I am doing
>this by modifying the "Suspend/Resume" sample on PST's support site
>Mode=View&SampleID=27).  I created two instances of the inline object
>in the sample.  After setting all the variables to zero at the end of
>the first inline and removing the declaration statements in the second
>inline, I sandwiched my list object for the distracter task in the
>This works great when the first browser instance is closed before the
>logical expression...
>nExitCode = STILL_ACTIVE And (Clock.Read - nStartTime < X)
>...evaluates to false because X is reached.  However, if the first
>browser instance is left open when E-prime resumes control, then the
>second time I suspend Eprime, it resumes as soon as it opens the
>second browser window.  I think this has something to do with Eprime
>evaluating that the first instance of the browser is still open, since
>the second inline should change nStartTime to a new value as soon as
>the second browser is launched.
>Do any of you have insights on how I can get Eprime to either 1) close
>the first browser window OR 2) not flake out when calling for a second
>browser to be open?
>Thanks for your help,

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