E-Prime Stability

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at msu.edu
Thu Oct 10 16:21:51 UTC 2013


But of course, While Wend went out with the 
Commodore-64 and has been deprecated for a couple 
decades, and should never have appeared in 
E-Basic at all (see my comments at 
and www.pstnet.com/forum/Topic3215-9-1.aspx 
).  What if you use the more modern Do Loop?  E.g.,

Dim n As Integer
Do While False
    n = 1

I don't have any sympathy for crashes that result from use of While Wend :).

David McFarlane
E-Prime training 
online:  http://psychology.msu.edu/Workshops_Courses/eprime.aspx
Twitter:  @EPrimeMaster (https://twitter.com/EPrimeMaster )

At 10/10/2013 12:02 PM Thursday, Paul Groot wrote:
>I also worked on several scripts that had 
>stability issues when editing in EStudio (XP and 
>W7). I think some of those problems only occur 
>under specific circumstances or in specific 
>scripts. However, in most cases it seems hard to 
>reproduce the crashes. So, pressing the save 
>button every now and then has become standard 
>practice for me. However, here is another nice 
>(reproducible) demonstration of a problem in 
>EStudio, which took me some time to isolate from 
>a larger script. This case is related to a bug in the ScriptSense option:
>- open estudio and start with an empty script
>- open windows task manager to monitor cpu usage of estudio
>- add an inline script object to SessionProc and enter the following code:
>Dim n As Integer
>While False
>    n = 1
>Note that an empty line at the top of the script 
>seems to be essential. Although this problem is 
>not very apparent, the high CPU-load could 
>cause  time accuracy issues when running a script directly from EStudio.
>On 10 October 2013 16:59, David Vinson 
><<mailto:d.vinson at ucl.ac.uk>d.vinson at ucl.ac.uk> wrote:
>Hi Michiel,
>I'm still plodding along using an XP box for my 
>main development platform, EP Pro latest version 
>and it seems to be much more stable than you've 
>experienced: P(crash per 1hr) << 5%. Although I 
>haven't done anything particularly unusual or exploratory lately.
>I have had quite a few crashes on running during 
>development - the usual difficulties getting 
>videos to work; loading nested Lists from file; 
>but none of these are related to e-studio stability.
>Copy-pasting from multiple open experiments, no 
>problem at all; dragging objects around, ditto. 
>No weird red X's either. Probably your 
>development and mine is comparing apples and 
>oranges, but my rate of crashes within E-Studio 
>2.x has been pretty constant (and low) for quite 
>some time. Maybe it's more stable on XP?
>Obviously this isn't much of a long term 
>solution given the impending end of support for 
>XP and perhaps some strong institutional 
>pressure to move on.... I'd be interested to 
>know about others' experiences too.
>On 10/10/2013 14:20, Cognitology wrote:
>Given that E-Prime 2 is now pretty much a final 
>release, I was wondering how many of you feel it 
>remains **particularly** instable? I mean, 
>E-Studio (2, pro), latest version, and I don’t 
>stupid crashes (say, recursively calling the 
>sessionproc from a list within sessionproc). Just things like
>·Writing inline:
>Try typing:
>Works! Automatically becomes
>Now commented out. However, type in an inline (not the user part)
>·Just dragging objects around, adding 
>attributes, all sorts of randomness. Sometimes, 
>there are nice big red crosses where graphics usually are.
>The latter is the more annoying part. In 
>general, when I’m developing something, on both 
>my laptop and home pc (both win7prox64), this 
>happens. In my experience, in fact, most people, 
>even if they are very experienced, have random 
>stability issues with e-studio. My question then 
>is: does the list have similar issues? Say, if 
>you’ve been doing some development, what is the 
>chance that e-prime will crash within 60 
>minutes? I’m estimating it at 80% here.
>Michiel Sovijärvi-Spapé
>Helsinki Institute for Information Technology
>Aalto & Helsingin Yliopisto,
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>David Vinson, Ph.D.
>ESRC Research Fellow
>Cognitive, Perceptual and Brain Sciences Research Department
>University College London
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>On 10 October 2013 17:54, David McFarlane 
><<mailto:mcfarla9 at msu.edu>mcfarla9 at msu.edu> wrote:
>Good question, and I am eager to hear from 
>others.  I have encouraged users at my location 
>to move up to EP2.0.10, but that's going slowly, 
>and we do run into some troubles because we have 
>to get used to new ways of doing things in 
>EP2.0.10.  So I do not have a lot of development 
>experience with it yet, my experience so far is 
>mostly instructional and explorational.  Based 
>only on that, I like EP2.0.10 a lot, it 
>introuduces a *lot* of good features, even some 
>of the problems turn out to be features once 
>they are properly understood (Generate PreRun is 
>one of those, and I will mention another below).
>Now to address a couple points in particular.
>First, EP2 is not just "pretty much" a final 
>release, it *is* officially a final release since EP2.0.10.242.
>And your commenting example...  Yes, that 
>trippped me up at first too, and it breaks one 
>of the exercises in my video course, and I found 
>it very annoying because I used /* */ a lot to 
>comment things out & in.  But try the 
>following:  Select some lines of code.  Now 
>press Ctrl+' (that's the Ctrl key along with the 
>apostrophe key).  See all those lines get 
>commented with a "'" added to the start?  Now 
>for the fun part, with those lines still 
>selected, press Ctrl+Shift+' -- see all those 
>lines now become uncommented?  Now press Ctrl+' 
>twice -- see it add two "'" at the start of each 
>line?  Then press Ctrl+Shift+' once, then twice, 
>to see it remove each leading "'" in 
>turn.  Pretty cool, huh?  I sure thought so once 
>I figured it out.  So much easier than "/* 
>*/"!  Now I just use "''" (double "'") to mark 
>provisional lines during development, I can 
>easily search for "''" throughout the program 
>later to fix up those lines before final release 
>of a program.  Etc.  So this is one of those 
>"problems" that is really a feature.
>Once again, PST makes a pretty good product, but 
>utterly fails to explain it well enough to 
>customers.  Just business as usual for them, but 
>opening opportunities for people like me.
>David McFarlane
>E-Prime training 
>Twitter:  @EPrimeMaster 
>(<https://twitter.com/EPrimeMaster>https://twitter.com/EPrimeMaster )
>Stock reminder:  1) I do not work for PST.  2) 
>PST's trained staff take any and all questions 
>, and they strive to respond to all requests in 
>24-48 hours, so make full use of it.  3) In 
>addition, PST offers several instructional 
>videos on their YouTube channel 
>).  4) If you do get an answer from PST staff, 
>please extend the courtesy of posting their 
>reply back here for the sake of others.
>At 10/10/2013 09:20 AM Thursday, Cognitology wrote:
>Given that E-Prime 2 is now pretty much a final 
>release, I was wondering how many of you feel it 
>remains *particularly* instable? I mean, 
>E-Studio (2, pro), latest version, and I don’t 
>stupid crashes (say, recursively calling the 
>sessionproc from a list within sessionproc). Just things like
>·         Writing inline:
>Try typing:
>Works! Automatically becomes
>Now commented out. However, type in an inline (not the user part)
>·         Just dragging objects around, adding 
>attributes, all sorts of randomness. Sometimes, 
>there are nice big red crosses where graphics usually are.
>The latter is the more annoying part. In 
>general, when I’m developing something, on both 
>my laptop and home pc (both win7prox64), this 
>happens. In my experience, in fact, most people, 
>even if they are very experienced, have random 
>stability issues with e-studio. My question then 
>is: does the list have similar issues? Say, if 
>you’ve been doing some development, what is the 
>chance that e-prime will crash within 60 
>minutes? I’m estimating it at 80% here.
>Michiel Sovijärvi-Spapé
>Helsinki Institute for Information Technology
>Aalto & Helsingin Yliopisto,

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