[Ethnocomm] 2022 summer conference in Boulder, Colorado

David Boromisza-Habashi dbh at Colorado.EDU
Sat Mar 19 17:12:27 UTC 2022

Dear EC community,

This is just a quick reminder that the deadline to submit an abstract or working paper to the "Cultivating Communication Practices" summer conference in Boulder, Colorado, is April 1. You can find the call for submissions here<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mdOlfVv7bVGaoEGnRZXtpe5MrUSIZJqjomcUTv8SgSA/edit?usp=sharing>. The call includes a description of working papers and a link to the online form you can use to submit abstracts and working papers.

We look forward to receiving your submissions!


David Boromisza-Habashi, Ph.D. (he/him/his)
Associate Professor
Associate Chair for Graduate Studies
Department of Communication
University of Colorado Boulder
CMCI<http://www.colorado.edu/cmci/people/communication/david-boromisza-habashi> | Academia.edu<https://colorado.academia.edu/DavidBoromiszaHabashi> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/dr_dbh>

From: David Boromisza-Habashi
Sent: Tuesday, March 1, 2022 8:46 AM
To: Ethnocomm at listserv.linguistlist.org
Subject: 2022 summer conference in Boulder, Colorado

Dear Ethnocommers,

I am excited to share the below call with this community! After some pandemic-related twists and turns my colleagues Natasha Shrikant, Leah Sprain and I are finally ready to invite you to an in-person summer conference in Boulder, Colorado, to be held at the beautiful Colorado Chautauqua<https://www.chautauqua.com/> July 31-August 2, 2022. I hope many of you will join us! Please spread this call through your networks.

Take care,

David Boromisza-Habashi


Community and Social Interaction Conference:

Cultivating Communication Practices

Call for Papers

The Community and Social Interaction faculty in the Department of Communication at the University of Colorado Boulder are hosting a small, in-person conference in Boulder, CO from July 31-Aug 2, 2022. The venue will be the historic Chautauqua Missions House and the Rocky Mountain Climbers Club at the foot of the Rocky Mountains in Boulder, Colorado. The theme of the conference is "Cultivating Communication Practices'' and we are inviting abstracts (250-500 words) of individual papers that engage with this theme.

The conference theme is inspired by the work of Robert T. Craig who wrote: "To cultivate a social practice means to improve and disseminate it [...] the imperative to improve communication and to disseminate better communication practices is both fundamental to the historical emergence of our discipline and consistent with current trends in the field" (Craig, 2018, p. 290). We are designing this conference to serve as a forum for the discussion of how communication (conceived as a practice, or a set of practices) can be studied for the specific purpose of its cultivation. Related topics include, but aren't limited to, the following:

  *   Deliberative choice in communicative action
  *   The consequentiality of human communication
  *   Cultivating practical wisdom among practitioners
  *   The role of communication theory in the cultivation of communication practice
  *   The relationship between practical and academic metadiscourse
  *   Normative and critical approaches to the cultivation of communication practices
  *   Gauging the value of communication practices
  *   Specific sites of cultivating practices
  *   Methodologies of practical inquiry

Historically, this conference is the next in a series of Ethnography of Communication conferences hosted at universities in Omaha, New York, and Helsinki. To honor this history and the sense of community developed around these conferences, we especially welcome abstracts taking Ethnography of Communication approaches to the cultivation of communication practice. Additionally, one of our aims in the current conference is to advance the mission of the Community and Social Interaction research area within our department by exploring intersections among Ethnography of Communication and other complimentary social interaction approaches. Thus abstracts engaging with discourse analysis, conversation analysis, sociopragmatics, or sociocultural linguistics are welcome as well.

Abstracts can be a) empirical projects analyzing a communication practice within a particular community, b) more theoretically oriented, engaging with the possibility and challenges of cultivating communication practices, or c) working papers developed by graduate students about how specific bodies of communication scholarship can aid the cultivation of particular communication practices.

If interested in participating in this conference, please fill out this Google Form<https://forms.gle/1xGseqMM36NEZq7aA>. The google form asks about your interest in attending the conference (even if not presenting) and, of course, allows you to submit an abstract if you would like to attend and present. Indication of interest (and abstracts) are due by April 1, 2022.

Format of Conference: The conference will include panels of research presentations and, in the spirit of the conference theme, we plan to experiment with three additional presentation formats to generate a variety of scholarly discussions:

  1.  Panels dedicated to ethnography of communication and its engagement with the notion of cultivating communication practices
  2.  A high density panel of invited scholars from different social interaction approaches who discuss tensions and possibilities in cultivating communication as practice
  3.  Two workshops, each on a different communication practice, and each lead by CU Boulder Community and Social Interaction faculty

David Boromisza-Habashi, Ph.D. (he/him/his)
Associate Professor
Associate Chair for Graduate Studies
Department of Communication
University of Colorado Boulder
CMCI<http://www.colorado.edu/cmci/people/communication/david-boromisza-habashi> | Academia.edu<https://colorado.academia.edu/DavidBoromiszaHabashi> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/dr_dbh>

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