[Ethnocomm] NCA LSI call for awards posting

Kellie Carstensen (U00906713) K.Carstensen at memphis.edu
Fri Aug 18 17:04:23 UTC 2023


I would like to share the following announcement with the listserv:

NCA LSI Division Call for Award Nominations

NCA LSI division 2023 Outstanding Publication Award for LSI Scholarship Older than 5 Years (a.k.a., “The Old Chestnut Award”)

This award is presented to the author(s) of an article, chapter, or monograph in the area of language and social interaction published in a recognized scholarly journal, collection of scholarly papers, or series of scholarly monographs. Any member of the LSI Division may nominate a published work; the senior author must be a member of the LSI Division during the year in which the award is made. Selection criteria shall include scholarly merit, contribution to knowledge in language and social interaction, and impact on the discipline. Studies of an analytical, critical, empirical, philosophical, or theoretical nature are eligible for consideration. Only published works will be considered.

To submit a nomination for this award, please include a 1-page letter explaining the significance of the work and the impact it has had on LSI scholarship, and (if available) include a PDF copy of the work along with the complete citation. Direct submissions to LSI Immediate Past Chairs, Michelle Scollo (michelle.scollo at mountsaintvincent.edu<mailto:michelle.scollo at mountsaintvincent.edu>) and Brion van Over (BvanOver at manchestercc.edu). Deadline for submission is extended to August 24, 2023. Award to be presented at the LSI Business Meeting of the 2023 NCA Conference.

A list of previous recipients (awarded biennially) can be found on our website at www.ncalsi.org<http://www.ncalsi.org> on the announcements page for awards.

Dr. Kellie Carstensen
Assistant Professor of Communication
Department of Communication & Film
[https://www.memphis.edu/emailsignatures/images/ummase.png]     The University of Memphis
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