[Ethnocomm] NCA LSI Pre-Conference of Interest

Natasha Shrikant Natasha.Shrikant at Colorado.EDU
Tue Aug 29 19:08:02 UTC 2023

Hello, ethnographers of communication!

I just wanted to share an NCA pre-conference<https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-7qvokG2NZFzNgLNkDS2fxIrEdaxnf_t/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=111690176820891290895&rtpof=true&sd=true> that may be of interest to this group (click the link for details). The pre-conference explores how we can use LSI approaches for purposes of doing applied, equity-based research. Lisa Mikesell and I are organizing it, and we made an effort to include LSI comm scholars across approaches, members of multidisciplinary research teams that include an LSI team member, and a graduate student lead session. If you are interested or have students who would benefit from attending this conference, please do register for it when you register for NCA.

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions

Happy fall!


Natasha Shrikant, PhD


Associate Professor

Department of Communication

College of Media, Communication, and Information

University of Colorado, Boulder

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