[Ethnocomm] Journal of Communication special issue cfp

Stephanie Kent steph at comm.umass.edu
Sat Apr 27 14:03:34 UTC 2024

Hi David,

I am about as far out-of-the-loop as I could possibly be, but am cleaning up my umass email (which I have clung to through my ongoing interpreting gigs there).... this list and the repository are valuable. I appreciate them both and I want you to know (and others) to know that I do.

Hopefully you received more private messages to this effect!

thanks and best regards,

A recent publication for the repository, btw:

Communicating Sustainability Through Language Differences with Rich Point Pedagogy<https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-50168-5_19>
The organic skills of communication performed spontaneously by humans will increase in significance as machine translations powered by generative artificial intelligence (AI) begin to spread. Businesses will likely adopt AI as a solution for language difference...

From: Ethnocomm <ethnocomm-bounces at listserv.linguistlist.org> on behalf of David Boromisza-Habashi <dbh at Colorado.EDU>
Sent: Friday, December 1, 2023 12:12 PM
To: nshavit at proton.me <nshavit at proton.me>
Cc: Ethnocomm at listserv.linguistlist.org <Ethnocomm at listserv.linguistlist.org>
Subject: Re: [Ethnocomm] Journal of Communication special issue cfp

Hi Nimrod,

As one of the addressees of your email below, and as the person who launched this email list back in 2008 (and still feels a certain degree of responsibility for its success), I thought I would respond. I am grateful to you for managing this list and for creating the Ethnocomm Repository<https://nimshav.github.io/EthnoComm-Repository/>, a tremendous resource for us all. I also sense and sympathize with your frustration. Few things sap the academic’s energy and commitment to a scholarly community more than the lack of response to one’s work and ideas.

That said, in my humble opinion, I don’t think an electronic mailing list is necessarily the best medium for discussing extremely complex topics like the social scientific foundations of the communication field, the topic you’d raised most recently on this list. Personally, I don’t lack the intellectual motivation or interest in having these kinds of discussions, I would just rather have them over coffee or a beer at an EC conference. (I say this fully aware that, as a tenured academic, I have the privilege to be able to afford traveling to, and hosting, such conferences.)

Electronic mailing lists are, of course, ancient technology in 2023, and Ethnocomm may have run its course. However, if anyone (especially junior colleagues!) sees the list as a resource for maintaining some sense of community among us EC-types I hope you will let Nimrod know and take over the management of Ethnocomm.



David Boromisza-Habashi, Ph.D. (he/him/his)

Associate Professor

Department of Communication

University of Colorado Boulder

CMCI<http://www.colorado.edu/cmci/people/communication/david-boromisza-habashi> | Academia.edu<https://colorado.academia.edu/DavidBoromiszaHabashi> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/dr_dbh>

From: nshavit at proton.me <nshavit at proton.me>
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2023 11:56 PM
To: David Boromisza-Habashi <dbh at Colorado.EDU>
Cc: Ethnocomm at listserv.linguistlist.org
Subject: Re: Journal of Communication special issue cfp

Dear David an all,

Yes, agreed. I’d try for it myself if I’d believe it will earn me any salary or wage, or will help me find a job as a professor in a university (as I deserve). Until than I’m also abandoning my volunteering here, in this email list, in a unidirectional manner. The reason is simply the lack of any intellectual motivation or interest among members in this community. I tried to engage people here several times with several different initiatives and got almost no response. I don’t take any of this personally, but it’s simply boring for me to keep filtering spam from this list. So goodbye and farewell.

The password is: cultandcomm


Nimrod Shavit
Post-doctoral fellow at the University of Haifa


On 29 Nov 2023, at 19:48, David Boromisza-Habashi <dbh at Colorado.EDU<mailto:dbh at Colorado.EDU>> wrote:

Dear All,

Please spread the word about this call for papers to be included in a forthcoming special issue of the Journal of Communication: https://academic.oup.com/joc/pages/cfp-qualitative-theorizing

A key excerpt from the call: “For this special issue, we solicit rigorous, original, and creative manuscripts that showcase the contributions of qualitative research to communication theorizing and research methods. Specifically, we are considering four types of submissions: (a) manuscripts that develop a field-general theory based on and/or that would require qualitative methods to apply in research practice, (b) manuscripts that distill the theoretical contributions of qualitative communication research around a particular domain to illustrate the promise of interpretive and critical theorizing, (c) manuscripts that advance qualitative methodologies to provide new insights into communication phenomena, and (d) manuscripts that argue for the necessity of qualitative research for enhancing other methodological techniques.”

It would be a delight to see at least one ethnography of communication paper featured in the special issue!

Take care,



David Boromisza-Habashi, Ph.D. (he/him/his)

Associate Professor

Department of Communication

University of Colorado Boulder

Associate Editor, Journal of Communication

CMCI<http://www.colorado.edu/cmci/people/communication/david-boromisza-habashi> | Academia.edu<https://colorado.academia.edu/DavidBoromiszaHabashi> | Twitter<https://twitter.com/dr_dbh>

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