[EEE - Etymologie-Newsletter] Etymologie-Newsletter vom 05.09.2004 (kleine Ausgabe)
Horst Conrad
conrad-horst at t-online.de
Sun Sep 5 14:38:14 UTC 2004
Der Newsletter des Etymologie-Portals "www.etymologie.info".
Etymologie-Newsletter vom 05.09.2004 (kleine Ausgabe)
Liebe Etymologie-Amateure (und Profis),
ich begrüße Sie zum neuen Etymologie-Newsletter.
mit den Fragen der letzten Woche ans Etymologie-Portal
mit den gesuchten und neuen Begriffen auf dem Etymologie-Portal und
mit den gesuchten und neuen Links im Link List Labor
Beachten Sie bitte die Security-Hinweise auf dem Etymologie-Portal.
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Fragen der letzten Woche ans Etymologie-Portal - Die Site zur Lehre von der Wortherkunft.
(E1)(L1) http://www.etymologie.info/
mit Etymologie, Étymologie, Etymology
Ich bin zufällig im Netz auf Ihre etymologische Herleitung zum "Schild" gestoßen, wo Sie auch das "Schildern" erklären. M.E. leitet sich das zwar - ganz richtig - vom "Schild" her, aber in einer anderen Weise. Sowohl Römer als auch Germanen bemalten Ihre Schilde, und die Bemalung diente gleichzeitig auch als "Wappen". Die Schilde wurden als "Prunkschilde" an der Stirnseite der Häuser aufgehängt, hatten schlichtweg dann auch die Funktion als "Tafelbild". "Schilderey" ist noch im Spätmittelalter der Ausdruck für "Malerei" gewesen (heute m.W. noch im Niederländischen: "schilderen" bedeutet "malen"). Wer etwas "schildert", "malt etwas aus", "schillern" kommt auch daher.
H. Wunderlich
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Neue Begriffe auf dem Etymologie-Portal - Die Site zur Lehre von der Wortherkunft.
(E1)(L1) http://www.etymologie.info/
mit Etymologie, Étymologie, Etymology
Suchbegriffe und neue Begriffe der Woche
Aboriginal origin - Australian (wikipedia)
African origin - English words (wikipedia)
Afrikaans origin - English words (matriots)
Afrikaans origin - English words (wikipedia)
Albtraum, Alptraum
alexia (wsm)
Alice in Wonderland syndrome
Alice in Wonderland
- alp
Alp (ety)
American Dialect (americandialect)
American Eng. Dialects (Uni Pennsylvania)
American Indian Loan Words (infoplease)
American Indian Place Names (infoplease)
American Indigenous Languages (geocities)
American Political Slang - Barrett, Grant
American slang (slangman)
- an
an (ety)
an (ety)
Ancient Scripts of World (ancientscripts)
Arabic origin - English words (wikipedia)
Asian loan words in English (infoplease)
aspersion (m-w)
Atlas of N. A. English (Uni Pennsylvenia)
- Aufgabe
Australian Aboriginal origin (wikipedia)
Band name etymologies (wikipedia)
Barrett, Grant - Hatchet Jobs and Hardball
- Bockshorn
Bockshorn - Jemanden ins Bockshorn jagen
Bockshorn - jn ins Bockshorn jagen (nae)
bon vivant (dic)
British-American Dictionary (peak)
British-Americanisms Dictionary (peak)
Buccaneer (you)
Calendar - Origins (krysstal)
Calendar of Religious F. (support4learning)
Chinese & Korean Words (infoplease)
Chinese Loanwords in English (yellowbridge)
Chinese origin - English words (wikipedia)
Chinese, English Loanwords (yellowbridge)
Cockney English (krysstal)
Communication & WORLD Wide Web (krysstal)
Companies named after people (wikipedia)
Company name etymologies (wikipedia)
Computer term etymologies (wikipedia)
concatenated messages (owa)
contrite (dic)
copse (dic)
Countries and territories (krysstal)
Czech origin - English words (wikipedia)
Date Formats, International (cam)
Days of the Week, Names (infoplease)
Dialects of American Eng. (Uni Pennsylvania)
Dialects of the English language (wikipedia)
Dichotomy (you)
dolorous (dic)
Don Juan
Dutch origin - English words (wikipedia)
eddy (dic)
eminently (m-w)
English - Cockney English (krysstal)
English - Latin expressions (wikipedia)
English - Spanish expressions (wikipedia)
English Borrows from Spanish (infoplease)
English for the next millenium (psa)
English Lang. - French phrases (wikipedia)
English Language Tips (usingenglish)
English Language WordClock (languagemonitor)
English language, Dialects of (wikipedia)
English Loanwords in Chinese (yellowbridge)
English Phonemes, History of (furman)
English Usage in the UK and USA (krysstal)
English words - African origin (wikipedia)
English words - Afrikaans origin (matriots)
English words - Afrikaans origin (wikipedia)
English words - Arabic origin (wikipedia)
English words - Australian Abor. (wikipedia)
English words - Chinese origin (wikipedia)
English words - Czech origin (wikipedia)
English words - Dutch origin (wikipedia)
English words - Etruscan origin (wikipedia)
English words - French origin (wikipedia)
English words - Gaelic origin (wikipedia)
English words - Hawaiian origin (wikipedia)
English words - Hebrew origin (wikipedia)
English words - Hindi origin (wikipedia)
English words - Hungarian origin (wikipedia)
English words - Indian origin (wikipedia)
English words - intern. origin (wikipedia)
English words - Irish origin (wikipedia)
English words - Italian origin (wikipedia)
English words - Japanese origin (wikipedia)
English words - Latin origin (wikipedia)
English words - Maori origin (wikipedia)
English words - Native American (wikipedia)
English words - Norwegian origin (wikipedia)
English words - Persian origin (wikipedia)
English words - Polish origin (wikipedia)
English words - Portuguese orig. (wikipedia)
English words - Russian origin (wikipedia)
English words - Sanskrit origin (wikipedia)
English words - Scots origin (wikipedia)
English words - Spanish origin (wikipedia)
English words - Swedish origin (wikipedia)
English words - Tamil origin (wikipedia)
English words - Turkish origin (wikipedia)
English words - Yiddish origin (wikipedia)
English Words from Other Lang. (krysstal)
English words of Gaulish origin (krysstal)
English words of Greek origin (krysstal)
English words of Greek origin (wikipedia)
English, Chinese Loanwords (yellowbridge)
English, Evolution of Present-Day (vt)
English, German expressions in (wikipedia)
Etruscan origin - English words (wikipedia)
Etymologies Lists (wikipedia)
Etymologies, Lists of (wikipedia)
Evolution of Present-Day English (vt)
false amiche (garzantilinguistica)
Family name etymology, German (wikipedia)
Firmennamen (spiegel)
First (Given) Names, Search on (krysstal)
Foreign Words and Phrases (infoplease)
French origin - English words (wikipedia)
French phrases - English Lang. (wikipedia)
French phrases used by English (wikipedia)
French slang (slangman)
- Frieden
Frieden (f-r)
Gaelic origin - English words (wikipedia)
- Garbo
Gaulish origin - English words (krysstal)
- gegenueber
- gehoernt
German expressions in English (wikipedia)
German family name etymology (wikipedia)
Germanic Names (krysstal)
Glossary of Gramatical Terms (usingenglish)
Gott - Hilf dir selbst, so hilft dir Gott (w-a)
Gott (f-r)
- Gott in Frankreich
Gramatical Terms Glossary (usingenglish)
Grammatical terms and concepts (krysstal)
Greek Language (wikipedia)
Greek origin - English words (krysstal)
Greek origin - English words (wikipedia)
Greek Prefixes (infoplease)
Greek Roots (infoplease)
Greek Suffixes (infoplease)
Greek-English Lexicon - Liddell-Scott
Griechische Sprache (wikipedia)
Hatchet Jobs and Hardball - Barrett, Grant
Hawaiian origin - English words (wikipedia)
Hebrew loanwords (wikipedia)
Hebrew origin - English words (wikipedia)
- Heuer
- heuern, anheuern
Hindi origin - English words (wikipedia)
Hispanic American Countries (infoplease)
History of English Language (wordorigins)
History of English Phonemes (furman)
History of the English Language (krysstal)
History of Writing (historian)
Hungarian origin - English words (wikipedia)
- Hungerast
idiot (ety)
Idiot (f-r)
idiot (mwh)>
idiot (tak)
Idiot (UK)
Idiot (wis)
idiot (wwy)
idiot box (wwy)
idiot savant (wsm)
Indian English (wikipedia)
Indian English (wikipedia)
Indian origin - English words (wikipedia)
Indigenous Languages, American (geocities)
Indo-European Family (krysstal)
International Date Formats (cam)
Irish Language (wikipedia)
Irish origin - English words (wikipedia)
Islamic terms in Arabic (wikipedia)
Italian origin - English words (wikipedia)
Italian slang (slangman)
IT-Latein Neologismen (vatican)
Japanese origin - English words (wikipedia)
Japanese Words in English (infoplease)
Jardiniere (you)
Jargon (you)
julienne (wsm)
- Jungspunt
- Kanaille
- Karikatur
- kiel
- Knilch
- Knilch (hr-Entdeckungsreise)
- kotfluegel
- Kulanz
lady (ety)
Lady (wrk)
Lady (wwy)
lady - It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings. (w-a)
Language & Writing (infoplease)
Language Families (krysstal)
Language Matters (eu)
Language Monitor, Global (languagemonitor)
Language Museum (language-museum)
Languages of the World (krysstal)
Languages, Most Spoken (krysstal)
Latin expressions - English (wikipedia)
Latin origin - English words (wikipedia)
Latin Phrases used in English (cuny)
Latin Prefixes (infoplease)
Latin Roots (infoplease)
Latin Suffixes (infoplease)
Latin Words used in English (cuny)
Lexicon recentis Latinitatis (vatican)
Liddell-Scott - Greek-English Lexicon
Liddell-Scott Greek lexicon (Uni Chicago)
Liddell-Scott GR-UK Lexicon (Uni Tufts)
Liddell-Scott-Jones Dict. (areopage)
Liddell-Scott-Jones Dict. (Uni Kentucky)
Liddell-Sherrington reflex
Lilliput sight
Linguistics (highspeedplus)
List of band name etymologies (wikipedia)
- listen
listen (ety)
Lists of etymologies (wikipedia)
Lists of etymologies (wikipedia)
London Place Names (krysstal)
Luciferous Logolepsy (kokogiak)
Luciferous Logolepsy
Malay Words in English (infoplease)
- manufactur
manufacture (ety)
manufactured (wwy)
Maori origin - English words (wikipedia)
mea culpa (m-w)
Methuselah (dic)
Metric System (krysstal)
Months, Names (infoplease)
Most Spoken Languages in World (krysstal)
Muenster - Buecher (DE)
- Mythos
Mythos (f-r)
Names and Words (krysstal)
Names of the Days of the Week (infoplease)
Names of the Months (infoplease)
Names, Germanic (krysstal)
Names, Search on First (Given) (krysstal)
Native American - English words (wikipedia)
Neologismen IT-Latein (vatican)
new words quarterly (highlands)
New York Times - Word of the day (nytimes)
Norwegian origin - English words (wikipedia)
Obscure English Words (kokogiak)
Occident (m-w)
Old English (Uni Virginia)
Origin of State Names (infoplease)
Origin of the English Language (krysstal)
- Paedagogik
Pan Pan
paraphernalia (owa)
People and Places (krysstal)
Persian origin - English words (wikipedia)
Pharisaeer (blu)
pharisaical (wsm)
- philadelphia
Philadelphia (ety)
Philadelphia Lawyer (wde)
philadelphia lawyer (wsm)
Philadelphia lawyer (wwy)
Phonological Atlas N. A. (Uni Pennsylvenia)
Place Names in London (krysstal)
Polish origin - English words (wikipedia)
Polynesian Words in English (infoplease)
Portuguese orig. - English words (wikipedia)
Religious Festivals (support4learning)
repudiate (m-w)
Rhetorical Figures - Silva Rhetoricae (byu)
Russian origin - English words (wikipedia)
Sanskrit origin - English words (wikipedia)
Schild - Boeses im Schild(e) fuehren
Schild - vom "der" zum "das"
Scots origin - English words (wikipedia)
Scripts ... World, Ancient (ancientscripts)
sear (dic)
Search on First (Given) Names (krysstal)
Seelonce Feenee
- Seine
seine (ety)
- sensu
sere (dic)
Silva Rhetoricae - Rhetorical Figures (byu)
Smith's Dictionary of UK-USA-Isms (peak)
somnambulist (owa)
Soviet Union Glossary (loc)
Spanisch-Amerikanische Laender (infoplease)
Spanish expressions - English (wikipedia)
Spanish origin - English words (wikipedia)
Spanish Place Names in USA (infoplease)
Spanish slang (slangman)
Spanish Words in English (infoplease)
spin doctor (owa)
- Spitzfind
State Names, Origin (infoplease)
- Status
status (ety)
status (wwy)
stratocracy (wsm)
Sultry (you)
Swedish Language (wikipedia)
Swedish origin - English words (wikipedia)
Tagalog Words in English (infoplease)
Tamil origin - English words (wikipedia)
theanthropic (wsm)
Tips for writing on the internet (write101)
- toi
toi-toi-toi (blu)
tommyrot (wsm)
Top 10 Words (languagemonitor)
Top Four Written English Words (mootgame)
Top Twenty Spoken English Words (mootgame)
Top Twenty Written English Words (mootgame)
Tupi, Words Borrowed from (krysstal)
Turkish origin - English words (wikipedia)
Ubiquity (you)
UK - English Usage (krysstal)
urbane (m-w)
USA - English Usage (krysstal)
vapid (m-w)
Verbs of Latin prefix and verb (wikipedia)
- verknallt
Vocab Rehab - Word of the Day (canada)
- Volk
Word of the day - New York Times (nytimes)
Word of the Day - Vocab Rehab (canada)
WordClock, English Lang. (languagemonitor)
Words And Names (krysstal)
Words and Names (krysstal)
Words Borrowed from German (krysstal)
Words Borrowed from Tupi (krysstal)
WORLD Wide Web Communication (krysstal)
World Writing Systems (krysstal)
Writing & Language (infoplease)
Writing History (historian)
writing on the internet, Tips for (write101)
Writing Systems, World (krysstal)
Yiddish origin - English words (wikipedia)
- zaehlen
- zagen, verzagen
Zipf's Law (mootgame)
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Neue Links im Link List Labor - Die Parallel-Site mit Links, Links, Links
(E6)(L1) http://lll.etymologie.info/
Der Platz für Alles, was nicht ins Etymologie-Portal passt.
Suchbegriffe und neue Links der Woche
Abbreviations, Common (infoplease)
Almanac, Information Please (infoplease)
almanacs, TIME (infoplease)
Alpenverein (alpenverein)
Argentina (infoplease)
ASCII-Bilder (romanm)
ASCII-Bilder aus jedem Bild (sebastian-r)
Asien / Pazifik - WHOIS-Recherche (apnic)
Athenian Agora Excavations (attalos)
Atlas (infoplease)
Bierce A. - Devil's Dictionary (gutenberg)
Bilder in ASCII-Bilder (sebastian-r)
Bosnia and Herzegovina (infoplease)
Botanical Terms Glossary (gardenweb)
Buestenhalter-Geschichte (buestenhalter)
Buestenhalter-Lexikon (buestenhalter)
Bullet-Sammlung (stylegala)
Check a Word (usingenglish)
Checklisten-Verzeichnis (checkliste)
Cicero - Leben und Werk (gottwein)
Classical Studies at Athens (ascsa)
Columbia Encyclopedia (infoplease)
Common Abbreviations (infoplease)
Countries of the World (infoplease)
Country Code (iana)
Currency Converter, Universal (xe)
Devil's Dictionary - Bierce A. (gutenberg)
Dictionaries Links (elite)
Dictionary (infoplease)
Domain-Daten (.de) (denic)
Domain-Informationen (eunic)
Domainnamen (.eu) (ripe)
Domain-Namen suchen (internic)
Domain-Namen suchen (speednames)
Domain-Namen TLDs weltweit (allwhois)
Encyclopedia (encyclopedia)
Encyclopedia (infoplease)
English Irregular Verbs (usingenglish)
English Language Quizzes (usingenglish)
Ethik - Philosophie (gottwein)
Firmendatenbank Hoppenstedt (firmendatenbank)
Formular-Portal (formblitz)
Formular-Portal (formular25)
Foto-Blog-Portal (photoblogs)
Garten-Glossar (gardenweb)
Garten-Kalender (gardenweb)
Genre-Lexikon (musicline)
Geography Guide (infoplease)
Glossary of Grammar Terms (usingenglish)
Glossary of Phrasal Verbs (usingenglish)
Glossary of Poetry Terms (infoplease)
Grammar Term Glossary (usingenglish)
Grammar Worksheets (usingenglish)
Grammars Links (elite)
Gravestone Quotes (corsinet)
Griechenlandfahrt 2000 (gottwein)
Griechisch in der Schule (gottwein)
Griechische Redensarten (gottwein)
Griechisch-Portal (gottwein)
Handouts, Teacher (usingenglish)
Hoppenstedt Firmendatenbank (firmendatenbank)
IANA (iana)
Information Please Almanac (infoplease)
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (iana)
INTERnet Network Information C. (internic)
Internet-Lexikon (portel)
IP Index Encyclopedia (homelinux)
IP-Check (schwarzl)
IP-in-Domain-Namen und umgekehrt (aiLab)
IP-to-geographical location (ip2location)
Irregular Verbs, English (usingenglish)
Kalender-Portal (ecben)
Kunstgeschichte-Glossar (gottwein)
Language resources Links (elite)
Latein in der Schule (gottwein)
Lateinisch-DE (gottwein)
Lateinisches Woerterbuch (gottwein)
Latein-Lexikon (gottwein)
Latein-Link-Lexikon (gottwein)
Latin Phrases and Mottoes (nefer-seba)
Law Dictionary (constitution)
Lexikon der griech. Mythologie (gottwein)
Link-Popularity-Check (marketleap)
Musik-Genre-Lexikon (musicline)
Mythologie-Lexikon (GR) (gottwein)
Papua New Guinea Information (michie)
Philosophie - Ethik (gottwein)
Photo-Blog-Portal (photoblogs)
Phrasal Verb Glossary (usingenglish)
Phrases in different languages (wikipedia)
Poetry Terms Glossary (infoplease)
Redundant Redundancies (corsinet)
Restaurants Schweiz (gastroguide)
Restaurants Schweiz (guide-bleu)
Rhetorik - System und Begriffe (gottwein)
RIPE - Réseaux IP Européens (ripe)
Search-Engine for Weblogs (technorati)
Smithsonian (si)
State Abbreviations (US) (infoplease)
State Postal Codes (US) (infoplease)
Teacher Handouts (usingenglish)
Telekommunikation-Lexikon (portel)
Text Content Analysis Tool (usingenglish)
Thesaurus (infoplease)
TIME almanacs (infoplease)
TLD-Codes (iana)
Today in History (encyclopedia)
Top-Level-Domains weltweit (allwhois)
UCC - Universal Currency Converter (xe)
Using English (usingenglish)
Visualroute (visualware)
Waehrungsumrechnung Weltweite (xe)
Weblog-Search-Engine (technorati)
WHOIS-Recherche - Asien / Pazifik (apnic)
WHOIS-Recherche (aiLab)
WHOIS-Recherche (allwhois)
WHOIS-Recherche (amnesi)
WHOIS-Recherche (arin)
WHOIS-Recherche (bboxbbs)
WHOIS-Recherche (denic)
WHOIS-Recherche (dns411)
WHOIS-Recherche (domaindb)
WHOIS-Recherche (domainratte)
WHOIS-Recherche (eunic)
WHOIS-Recherche (geektools)
WHOIS-Recherche (iana)
WHOIS-Recherche (ig4)
WHOIS-Recherche (internic)
WHOIS-Recherche (IP2geo)
WHOIS-Recherche (ipindex)
WHOIS-Recherche (localizer)
WHOIS-Recherche (networksolutions)
WHOIS-Recherche (nic)
WHOIS-Recherche (ripe)
WHOIS-Recherche (ripe)
WHOIS-Recherche (samspade)
WHOIS-Recherche (schwarzl)
WHOIS-Recherche (speednames)
WHOIS-Recherche (united-domains)
WHOIS-Recherche (visualroute)
WHOIS-Recherche (visualware)
WHOIS-Recherche (whois)
WHOIS-Recherche (whois-service)
Wissenschaftssendungen der ARD (daserste)
WordChecker (usingenglish)
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Erscheinungsdatum 05.09.2004
Titel Etymologie-Newsletter
International Standard Serial Number - ISSN 1610-2320 (10.07.2002) (E-Mail-Version)
- ISSN 1610-3165 (22.07.2002) (Internet-Archiv-Version)
Die Deutsche Bibliothek
weltweites Verzeichnis des ISSN International Centre in Paris
Postanschrift Horst Conrad
D-66482 Zweibrücken
Newsletter-Provider http://www.domeus.de/
E-Mail mailto:conrad-horst at etymologie.info
siehe hierzu auch: http://www.s-a-ve.com/faq/Anbieterkennzeichnung.htm
http://www.presserecht.de/gesetze/mdstv.html - Anbieterkennzeichnung
Erscheinungsweise etwa wöchentlich die Liste der gesuchten Begriffe auf "www.etymologie.info"; und etwa alle 4 Wochen ein "richtiger" Newsletter
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Bei Fragen, Kommentaren und Anregungen wenden Sie sich bitte an
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Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolocum, corrigere divinum!
Irren ist menschlich, am Irrtum festhalten teuflisch, (sich) korrigieren (können) göttlich!
Humanum fuit errare, diabolocum est per animasitatem in errore manere.
Menschlich ist es zu irren, teuflisch ist es, leidenschaftlich im Irrtum zu verharren.
Der Newsletter des Etymologie-Portals "www.etymologie.info".--
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