[EEE - Etymologie-Newsletter] Etymologie-N ewsletter 2006-03-26 (w öchentliche Ausgabe)

Horst Conrad conrad-horst at t-online.de
Sun Mar 26 20:09:10 UTC 2006


Der Newsletter des Etymologie-Portals "www.etymologie.info".
Etymologie-Newsletter 2006-03-26 (wöchentliche Ausgabe)

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mit Etymologie, Étymologie, Etymology 

... Da gibt es bei uns in Wien das Wort "betakeln" (Ich weiß nicht, ob man das so schreibt). Es wird im Sinn von "beschwindeln", "täuschen", "betrügen" verwendet. Wer weiß Näheres zur Etymolgie dieses Wortes?
Herbert Schalk 

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                       (   )      Oooo.
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Neue Begriffe im Etymologie-Portal
2006-03-19 - 2006-03-26
a close call (owa) 
a dark horse (owa) 
a dog's dinner (owa) 
a storm in a teacup (owa) 
Abjure (you) 
ablutions (owa) 
Abscond (you) 
accismus (wsm) 
Acrimony (you) 
ad hoc (alp) 
ad lib (wsm) 
adit (wsm) 
Adroit (you) 
affidavit (owa) 
ahimsa (wsm) 
alacrity (ref) 
amalgam (ref) 
Amortize (you) 
amuse-bouche (wsm) 
anachronism (wsm) 
Anachronism (you) 
anathema (wsm) 
anfractuous (alp) 
Anglophone (you) 
Antipodes (you) 
Aphorism (you) 
apian (wsm) 
apoplexy (alp) 
apoptosis (alp) 
apothegm (ref) 
Apposite (you) 
apprenticeship (owa) 
Apropos (you) 
Atavistic (you) 
Atheism (you) 
athenaeum (wsm) 
Attaint (you) 
aubade (ref) 
auricle (wsm) 
Autochthonous (you) 
autodidact (ref) 
avert (alp) 
bad-hair day (owa) 
badinage (wsm) 
bagatelle (wsm) 
bailiwick (alp) 
barrister (alp) 
Bedlam (you) 
benign (owa) 
bight (wsm) 
bimester (wsm) 
blackmail (owa) 
Blacks, George F. - The Surnames of Scotland 
blown to smithereens (owa) 
bon mot (wsm) 
bourn (wsm) 
Bowyang (you) 
British (you) 
Brook (you) 
bullying (owa) 
Bung (you) 
by the book (owa) 
Byzantine (you) 
moulin (wsm) 
Cacodylic (you) 
calabash (alp) 
Calumniate (you) 
canard (ref) 
cancrine (wsm) 
Cappuccino (you) 
capricious (ref) 
Cardinal (you) 
carte blanche (wsm) 
Casino (you) 
casus belli (wsm) 
Catamaran (you) 
cat's pyjamas (owa) 
Cavil (you) 
Ceilidh (you) 
Chiasmus (you) 
chinese whispers (owa) 
Cipher (you) 
clerisy (wsm) 
cockamamie (alp) 
Cockamamie (you) 
codswallop (alp) 
cogent (ref) 
Coleslaw (you) 
collywobbles (owa) 
Colporteur (you) 
come of age (owa) 
Comestible (you) 
comity (ref) 
concupiscence (ref) 
condo (owa) 
consanguineous (ref) 
contradistinction (ref) 
copse (wsm) 
Cosmogony (you) 
couloir (wsm) 
countermand (ref) 
crapulous (ref) 
Crenate (you) 
Crepuscular (you) 
cringeworthy (wsm) 
Cuisine (you) 
curlicue (wsm) 
cute (alp) 
dastard (alp) 
debark (wsm) 
deceitful person (owa) 
degringolade (alp) 
degringolade (wsm) 
dendrochronology (wsm) 
desideratum (ref) 
deus ex machina (ref) 
Dewlap (you) 
dharma (wsm) 
Diaphanous (you) 
Dichotomy (you) 
Diffuse (you) 
dilettante (ref) 
discombobulate (alp) 
discommode (wsm) 
disparate (ref) 
doctor the report (owa) 
dodecagon (wsm) 
dolor (alp) 
don't bogart that (owa) 
doula (ref) 
dowry (owa) 
Draconian (you) 
Dreidel (you) 
drop a clanger (owa) 
dryasdust (wsm) 
dubiety (ref) 
dudgeon (ref) 
due diligence (owa) 
duodecennial (wsm) 
duodecimal (wsm) 
duodenum (wsm) 
Ebullient (you) 
ecesis (wsm) 
Edentate (you) 
Effluvium (you) 
Egregious (you) 
eidetic (alp) 
eidetic memory (owa) 
eleemosynary (alp) 
eleemosynary (ref) 
Eleemosynary (you) 
emanate (alp) 
embezzle (owa) 
eminent (alp) 
encumbrance (ref) 
Enthusiasm (you) 
epigone (ref) 
epos (wsm) 
ergo (ref) 
Errant (you) 
Erstwhile (you) 
Eruction (you) 
escrow period (owa) 
esoteric (alp) 
esurient (ref) 
Europäisches Sprachensiegel (na-bibb) 
eustasy (wsm) 
Eviscerate (you) 
excoriate (ref) 
excruciate (alp) 
Exergy (you) 
Exhilarate (you) 
expat (owa) 
expropriate (ref) 
far-fetched idea (owa) 
Fathom (you) 
Fester (you) 
fetial (wsm) 
Figment (you) 
Fillip (you) 
Finagle (you) 
Flagellate (you) 
flippant (ref) 
floccinaucinihilipilification (alp) 
fluctuate (alp) 
frisson (wsm) 
froth (owa) 
Froward (you) 
frowzy (wsm) 
frugal (owa) 
fumarole (wsm) 
fungible (alp) 
Funky (you) 
furtive (alp) 
fussbudget (wsm) 
Gargantuan (you) 
Gaudy (you) 
gegenschein (wsm) 
gerrymander (owa) 
Glair (you) 
Goer (you) 
Good riddance! (owa) 
Gossip (you) 
Gound (you) 
grandee (ref) 
grasp the nettle (owa) 
Gregarious (you) 
Gremlin (you) 
Groggy (you) 
gull (alp) 
gyrovague (wsm) 
haberdashery (owa) 
hangover (owa) 
hanky panky (owa) 
happenstance (alp) 
Haulm (you) 
he created a furore (owa) 
he is a shrink (owa) 
he is psychic (owa) 
he popped the question (owa) 
he was pilloried (owa) 
Heinous (you) 
heir apparent (owa) 
hen party (owa) 
hesternal (wsm) 
heterography (wsm) 
Hobby (you) 
hoi polloi (alp) 
hoity-toity (owa) 
hoosegow (alp) 
hors d'oeuvre (wsm) 
Hullabaloo (you) 
hurdy-gurdy (alp) 
I am under the weather (owa) 
I was stumped (owa) 
Ides (ref) 
Imbibe (you) 
imbue (ref) 
Imply (you) 
in a jiffy (owa) 
In Pursuit of Wanted Words - Wallraff, Barbara 
incipient (alp) 
incommunicado (ref) 
Incunabulum (you) 
indehiscent (wsm) 
ineffable (alp) 
ineffable (ref) 
ingenious (owa) 
insipid (alp) 
intricate problem (owa) 
Inuit (you) 
irrefragable (ref) 
jack-o'-lanterns (owa) 
jeopardise (owa) 
jovial (ref) 
Karaoke (you) 
Karma (you) 
Ken (you) 
ketchup (alp) 
kibosh (alp) 
kidnap (alp) 
KLI - Klingon Language Institute (kli) 
Klingon Language Institute - KLI (kli) 
Lachrymatory (you) 
lacuna (alp) 
largess (ref) 
Lascivious (you) 
Legerdemain (you) 
Legion (you) 
leprechaun (alp) 
lese majesty (wsm) 
librate (alp) 
lilt (alp) 
Lilt (you) 
lithosphere (wsm) 
locust years (wsm) 
looby (wsm) 
lucre (ref) 
macedoine (wsm) 
malaise (ref) 
malediction (alp) 
malleable (ref) 
manse (ref) 
manslaughter (owa) 
mantra (wsm) 
Maquiladora (you) 
maverick (alp) 
mcjob (wsm) 
megalomania (ref) 
Mellifluous (you) 
Mendacious (you) 
Mendicant (you) 
mesmerise (owa) 
milieu (ref) 
mishap (owa) 
mittens (owa) 
mogigraphia (wsm) 
mountebank (alp) 
muckraker (owa) 
mulligrubs (wsm) 
munificent (ref) 
Nabob (you) 
neologist (wsm) 
Neoteric (you) 
nippy (owa) 
nirvana (wsm) 
nival (wsm) 
Nonpareil (you) 
nychthemeron (wsm) 
Nympholepsy (you) 
Obsequious (you) 
obsequy (wsm) 
oddity (owa) 
omphaloskepsis (alp) 
on the dole (owa) 
Onomatopoeia (you) 
opprobrium (alp) 
ornery (alp) 
Orotund (you) 
Ostensible (you) 
paint the town (owa) 
palisade (wsm) 
palmy (wsm) 
Panacea (you) 
Pandemic (you) 
pangaea (wsm) 
Paradigm (you) 
paragon (ref) 
pariah (alp) 
parisology (wsm) 
parlous (ref) 
parrhesia (wsm) 
Parthenogenesis (you) 
parvenu (ref) 
peckish (owa) 
pelagic (alp) 
penchant (alp) 
peneplain (wsm) 
Penultimate (you) 
perambulate (ref) 
perennial (wsm) 
pervious (wsm) 
pettifogger (alp) 
phoney information (owa) 
Piebald (you) 
piggy bank (owa) 
piggy in the middle (owa) 
pique (alp) 
Pith (you) 
Plagiarize (you) 
play it by ear (owa) 
plug away (owa) 
poindexter (wsm) 
Portal Sprache (uni-protokolle) 
posit (ref) 
Potable (you) 
potatory (wsm) 
Pragmatic (you) 
predilection (ref) 
prehensile (wsm) 
prepossess (alp) 
president (alp) 
presumptuous (owa) 
probity (ref) 
Procrastinate (you) 
prognosticate (alp) 
prolific (owa) 
prufrockian (wsm) 
pruinose (alp) 
pugilist (ref) 
pugnacious (ref) 
Pulchritudinous (you) 
pullulate (alp) 
purlieu (alp) 
putsch (wsm) 
pyrrhic victory (wsm) 
Quean (you) 
qui vive (wsm) 
quiddity (alp) 
Quintessence (you) 
quondam (ref) 
Ramshackle (you) 
rangy (wsm) 
Recreant (you) 
Redeem (you) 
Reflux (you) 
rejoinder (wsm) 
renascent (ref) 
repartee (wsm) 
Repertory (you) 
requite (wsm) 
Resolve (you) 
rident (wsm) 
riparian (alp) 
ritzy place (owa) 
Rubefacient (you) 
Runagate (you) 
rupestrian (alp) 
saltate (alp) 
salutary (ref) 
sang-froid (ref) 
sapient (ref) 
Sardonic (you) 
sartorial (wsm) 
Sartorial (you) 
Satire (you) 
saute (wsm) 
schmendrik (wsm) 
sciolist (alp) 
scion (ref) 
scrub (alp) 
scrupulous person (owa) 
scurrilous (alp) 
Semiotics (you) 
Semitic (you) 
sesquipedalian (ref) 
settle a score (owa) 
sextet (wsm) 
shamrock (owa) 
she gave him a dirty look (owa) 
she was dumbfounded (owa) 
she was sent to Coventry (owa) 
sheepish (owa) 
shenanigan (wsm) 
Simplistic (you) 
simulacrum (ref) 
sinecure (alp) 
sipid (wsm) 
sissy (owa) 
slacker (owa) 
slush (owa) 
snarky (alp) 
snickersnee (alp) 
snippet (owa) 
somnific (wsm) 
Sopor (you) 
spinster (owa) 
spokesman(woman) (owa) 
spoony (ref) 
Sportive (you) 
Sprache Portal (uni-protokolle) 
sprachgefuhl (wsm) 
stalemate (owa) 
Stentorian (you) 
stertorous (ref) 
subbed (owa) 
succor (ref) 
succor (wsm) 
sufferance (wsm) 
Surnames of Scotland, The - Blacks, George F. 
susurration (ref) 
sutra (wsm) 
Swank (you) 
Sybarite (you) 
syzygy (alp) 
take the mickey (owa) 
Tawdry (you) 
tenacious (alp) 
tendentious (ref) 
the pearly gates (owa) 
The real McCoy (owa) 
The Secret Lives of Words - West, Paul 
Theurgy (you) 
three-score years (owa) 
titivate (ref) 
Toboggan (you) 
tokology (wsm) 
Tonsorial (you) 
toothsome (ref) 
topsy-turvy (owa) 
tot up (owa) 
trepid (wsm) 
tropism (wsm) 
tryst (alp) 
tutelage (ref) 
tweak (owa) 
ululate (ref) 
unciary (wsm) 
undecimal (wsm) 
Urchin (you) 
uxorious (ref) 
Uxorious (you) 
vagitus (wsm) 
valentine (alp) 
velitation (wsm) 
velleity (wsm) 
vendetta (owa) 
verdant (ref) 
verso (wsm) 
Vet (you) 
Victual (you) 
vinaigrette (wsm) 
vincible (wsm) 
visage (ref) 
volitant (wsm) 
waive the rules (owa) 
Wallraff, Barbara - In Pursuit of Wanted Words 
Wallraff, Barbara - Word Court 
Wallraff, Barbara - Word Fugitives 
Wampumpeag (you) 
Wanton (you) 
we are baffled (owa) 
weltschmerz (wsm) 
West, Paul - The Secret Lives of Words 
Whence (you) 
white lie (owa) 
white noise (owa) 
widow's peak (owa) 
wig (owa) 
willy-nilly (owa) 
wimp (alp) 
window dressing (owa) 
woebegone (wsm) 
Word Court - Wallraff, Barbara 
Word Fugitives - Wallraff, Barbara 
wunderkind (ref) 
yahoo (alp) 
yestreen (wsm) 
your namesake (owa) 
zeitgeber (wsm) 
                       (   )      Oooo.
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Link List Labor
(E?)(L?) http://www.linklistlabor.info/~l/

Auch im "Link List Labor" gibt es jede Woche neue Einträge. 

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(E?)(L?) http://www.rose-rosen-roses.info/~r/

Auch im "Rose-Portal" gibt es jede Woche neue Einträge. 

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Erscheinungsdatum 2006-03-26 
Titel Etymologie-Newsletter 
International Standard Serial Number - ISSN 1610-2320 (2002-07-10) (E-Mail-Version)
- ISSN 1610-3165 (2002-07-22) (Internet-Archiv-Version)
Die Deutsche Bibliothek
Archivserver http://dispatch.opac.ddb.de/DB=4.1/SET=1/TTL=53/CMD?ACT=SRCHA&IKT=8500&SRT=YOP&TRM=Etymologie-Newsletter
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Postanschrift Horst Conrad
D-66482 Zweibrücken 
Newsletter-Provider http://www.domeus.de/ 
E-Mail mailto:conrad-horst at etymologie.info 
siehe hierzu auch: http://www.s-a-ve.com/faq/Anbieterkennzeichnung.htm 
http://www.presserecht.de/gesetze/mdstv.html - Anbieterkennzeichnung 
Erscheinungsweise etwa wöchentlich die Liste der gesuchten Begriffe auf "http://www.etymologie.info/~e/"; und etwa alle 4 Wochen ein "richtiger" Newsletter 
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Bei Fragen, Kommentaren und Anregungen wenden Sie sich bitte an
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Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolocum, corrigere divinum!
Irren ist menschlich, am Irrtum festhalten teuflisch, (sich) korrigieren (können) göttlich!


Humanum fuit errare, diabolocum est per animasitatem in errore manere.
Menschlich ist es zu irren, teuflisch ist es, leidenschaftlich im Irrtum zu verharren.
Ende des Newsletters des Etymologie-Portals "www.etymologie.info".


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