[EEE - Etymologie-Newsletter] Etymologie-Newsletter 2008-01-27
conrad-horst at t-online.de
Sun Jan 27 19:52:56 UTC 2008
Der Newsletter des Etymologie-Portals "www.etymologie.info".
Etymologie-Newsletter 2008-01-27
mit Begriffen, Links und Literaturempfehlungen
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2008-01-20 - 2008-01-27
Diese Woche:
Und ich habe die Wortliste aus dem Archiv von "www.reference.com" mit Stand 31.12.2007 aktualisiert.
Und eine Besucherin fragte nach dem "Nasenfahrrad". Vielleicht kennt ja jemand die genau Geburtsstunde und -geschichte des Nasenfahrrads.
Geographic Names, Thesaurus of - TGN (getty)
Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names - TGN (getty)
Marseille Prolog
Marseille Sign Language - Language of FR
TGN - Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (getty)
Thesaurus of Geographic Names - TGN (getty)
WHOIS-Service (netcraft)
Wortliste aus dem Archiv von "www.reference.com"
ab ovo (ref)
abattoir (ref)
abecedarian (ref)
abed (ref)
aberrant (ref)
abeyance (ref)
abjure (ref)
ablution (ref)
abnegate (ref)
abominate (ref)
aborning (ref)
abrogate (ref)
abscond (ref)
abstemious (ref)
abstruse (ref)
abulia (ref)
accede (ref)
acclimate (ref)
acerbic (ref)
acme (ref)
acquiesce (ref)
acrid (ref)
acrimony (ref)
acuity (ref)
acumen (ref)
adage (ref)
adamant (ref)
admonition (ref)
adumbrate (ref)
adventitious (ref)
aegis (ref)
aerie (ref)
aesthete (ref)
aestival (ref)
affable (ref)
afflatus (ref)
affray (ref)
aficionado (ref)
agglomeration (ref)
aggrandize (ref)
aggress (ref)
agitprop (ref)
agog (ref)
agon (ref)
agrestic (ref)
alacrity (ref)
alfresco (ref)
algorithm (ref)
aliment (ref)
alpenglow (ref)
altercation (ref)
amalgam (ref)
amanuensis (ref)
amative (ref)
ambit (ref)
ambuscade (ref)
ameliorate (ref)
amicable (ref)
amity (ref)
anathema (ref)
ancillary (ref)
animadversion (ref)
animus (ref)
anodyne (ref)
antediluvian (ref)
antiquarian (ref)
aplomb (ref)
apocryphal (ref)
apogee (ref)
apologia (ref)
apostasy (ref)
apothegm (ref)
apotheosis (ref)
apparition (ref)
appellation (ref)
apposite (ref)
apprise (ref)
approbation (ref)
appurtenance (ref)
arbiter (ref)
arbitrage (ref)
arcane (ref)
arcanum (ref)
argot (ref)
Argus-eyed (ref)
arrant (ref)
arriviste (ref)
arrogate (ref)
artifice (ref)
ascetic (ref)
ascribe (ref)
asperity (ref)
aspersion (ref)
asseverate (ref)
assiduous (ref)
assuage (ref)
atavism (ref)
atelier (ref)
atrabilious (ref)
aubade (ref)
augury (ref)
auspicious (ref)
autochthonous (ref)
autocrat (ref)
autodidact (ref)
avarice (ref)
avatar (ref)
aver (ref)
avoirdupois (ref)
avuncular (ref)
bacchanalia (ref)
badinage (ref)
bagatelle (ref)
bailiwick (ref)
banal (ref)
bandog (ref)
beau ideal (ref)
bedaub (ref)
bedizen (ref)
beholden (ref)
bellicose (ref)
bellwether (ref)
benefaction (ref)
beneficence (ref)
benignant (ref)
benison (ref)
berate (ref)
bestow (ref)
bete noire (ref)
betimes (ref)
bevy (ref)
bibelot (ref)
bibulous (ref)
biddable (ref)
bifurcate (ref)
bilious (ref)
billet (ref)
billet-doux (ref)
billingsgate (ref)
bivouac (ref)
blackguard (ref)
blandishment (ref)
bloviate (ref)
bombast (ref)
bombinate (ref)
bon ton (ref)
bon vivant (ref)
bonhomie (ref)
booboisie (ref)
bootless (ref)
boulevardier (ref)
bouleversement (ref)
bowdlerize (ref)
brackish (ref)
braggadocio (ref)
bravado (ref)
bravura (ref)
bricolage (ref)
brio (ref)
Brobdingnagian (ref)
bromide (ref)
bruit (ref)
brummagem (ref)
bucolic (ref)
bumptious (ref)
busker (ref)
buss (ref)
cabal (ref)
cacophony (ref)
cadge (ref)
cadre (ref)
caesura (ref)
cajole (ref)
callow (ref)
calumny (ref)
camarilla (ref)
canard (ref)
canorous (ref)
cant (ref)
capacious (ref)
cap-a-pie (ref)
capitulate (ref)
capricious (ref)
captious (ref)
carapace (ref)
carom (ref)
castigate (ref)
cataract (ref)
caterwaul (ref)
cavalcade (ref)
caveat (ref)
cavil (ref)
cavort (ref)
celerity (ref)
censorious (ref)
censure (ref)
cerebration (ref)
chagrin (ref)
chary (ref)
chicanery (ref)
chichi (ref)
chimera (ref)
chimerical (ref)
choler (ref)
choleric (ref)
chortle (ref)
chthonic (ref)
circumambient (ref)
circumlocution (ref)
circumspect (ref)
clamber (ref)
claque (ref)
clarion (ref)
clemency (ref)
clerisy (ref)
clinquant (ref)
cloy (ref)
Cockaigne (ref)
coeval (ref)
cogent (ref)
cogitate (ref)
cognoscente (ref)
cohort (ref)
collegial (ref)
colloquial (ref)
collude (ref)
comely (ref)
comestible (ref)
comity (ref)
commensurate (ref)
commination (ref)
commodious (ref)
complaisant (ref)
complement (ref)
comport (ref)
compunction (ref)
concatenation (ref)
concinnity (ref)
concomitant (ref)
concupiscence (ref)
condign (ref)
confabulation (ref)
conflagration (ref)
conflate (ref)
confluence (ref)
confrere (ref)
confute (ref)
congeries (ref)
connubial (ref)
consanguineous (ref)
conspectus (ref)
constitutional (ref)
contemn (ref)
contemporaneous (ref)
contradistinction (ref)
contravene (ref)
contretemps (ref)
contrite (ref)
contumacious (ref)
contumely (ref)
conurbation (ref)
convivial (ref)
copacetic (ref)
copious (ref)
copse (ref)
coquette (ref)
cormorant (ref)
cornucopia (ref)
corpulent (ref)
corroborate (ref)
coruscate (ref)
cosmopolite (ref)
cosset (ref)
coterminous (ref)
countermand (ref)
countervail (ref)
coxcomb (ref)
cozen (ref)
crabwise (ref)
credulous (ref)
crepuscular (ref)
crux (ref)
cudgel (ref)
cum (ref)
cupidity (ref)
cursory (ref)
cynosure (ref)
daedal (ref)
dapple (ref)
debouch (ref)
defenestrate (ref)
deign (ref)
deipnosophist (ref)
delectation (ref)
deleterious (ref)
deliquesce (ref)
demagogue (ref)
demur (ref)
denizen (ref)
denouement (ref)
deprecate (ref)
depredation (ref)
deracinate (ref)
deride (ref)
derogate (ref)
descant (ref)
descry (ref)
desideratum (ref)
desuetude (ref)
desultory (ref)
detritus (ref)
deus ex machina (ref)
diablerie (ref)
diadem (ref)
diaphanous (ref)
dictum (ref)
didactic (ref)
diffident (ref)
digerati (ref)
diktat (ref)
dilatory (ref)
dilettante (ref)
discomfit (ref)
disconcert (ref)
disconsolate (ref)
discrete (ref)
discursive (ref)
dishabille (ref)
disheveled (ref)
disparate (ref)
disport (ref)
disquisition (ref)
dissemble (ref)
dissimulate (ref)
dissolute (ref)
distrait (ref)
doff (ref)
dolorous (ref)
donnybrook (ref)
doppelganger (ref)
dotage (ref)
doughty (ref)
doula (ref)
dour (ref)
doyen (ref)
draconian (ref)
dubiety (ref)
dudgeon (ref)
dulcet (ref)
durance (ref)
dyspeptic (ref)
ebullient (ref)
edacious (ref)
eddy (ref)
edify (ref)
efface (ref)
effete (ref)
efficacious (ref)
effrontery (ref)
effulgence (ref)
effusive (ref)
egregious (ref)
egress (ref)
eke (ref)
eldritch (ref)
eleemosynary (ref)
elucidate (ref)
Elysium (ref)
emblazon (ref)
embonpoint (ref)
emolument (ref)
empyrean (ref)
en masse (ref)
encomium (ref)
encumbrance (ref)
enervate (ref)
enjoin (ref)
enmity (ref)
ennui (ref)
ensorcell (ref)
entreat (ref)
enunciate (ref)
ephemeral (ref)
ephemeron (ref)
epicene (ref)
epigone (ref)
equable (ref)
equanimity (ref)
equipoise (ref)
equivocate (ref)
eremite (ref)
ergo (ref)
errant (ref)
erroneous (ref)
ersatz (ref)
eructation (ref)
erudite (ref)
eschew (ref)
espy (ref)
esurient (ref)
etiolate (ref)
euphonious (ref)
evanescent (ref)
evince (ref)
exacerbate (ref)
exalt (ref)
excoriate (ref)
excrescence (ref)
exculpate (ref)
excursus (ref)
execrable (ref)
exegesis (ref)
exegete (ref)
exemplar (ref)
exhort (ref)
exigency (ref)
exigent (ref)
exiguity (ref)
exiguous (ref)
expatiate (ref)
expeditious (ref)
expiate (ref)
explicate (ref)
expropriate (ref)
expunge (ref)
extant (ref)
extemporaneous (ref)
extempore (ref)
extirpate (ref)
extol (ref)
extraneous (ref)
extricate (ref)
facetious (ref)
facile (ref)
faction (ref)
factious (ref)
factitious (ref)
factotum (ref)
faineant (ref)
fait accompli (ref)
fallible (ref)
fanfaronade (ref)
farrago (ref)
fatidic (ref)
fatuous (ref)
favonian (ref)
fealty (ref)
febrile (ref)
feckless (ref)
fecund (ref)
felicitous (ref)
fetid (ref)
fetor (ref)
fettle (ref)
fey (ref)
fiat (ref)
fiduciary (ref)
filial (ref)
fillip (ref)
fin de siecle (ref)
finical (ref)
firmament (ref)
flagitious (ref)
flaneur (ref)
flibbertigibbet (ref)
flippant (ref)
florid (ref)
flout (ref)
flummery (ref)
flummox (ref)
foment (ref)
foofaraw (ref)
fop (ref)
forcible (ref)
forfend (ref)
forgo (ref)
forlorn (ref)
fortuitous (ref)
foundling (ref)
fractious (ref)
frangible (ref)
frisson (ref)
fructuous (ref)
fugacious (ref)
fulminate (ref)
fulsome (ref)
funereal (ref)
fungible (ref)
furbelow (ref)
furtive (ref)
fustian (ref)
gadabout (ref)
gainsay (ref)
gallimaufry (ref)
galumph (ref)
galvanic (ref)
gambol (ref)
gamine (ref)
gamut (ref)
garrulous (ref)
gastronome (ref)
gauche (ref)
gaucherie (ref)
gelid (ref)
genial (ref)
genuflect (ref)
germane (ref)
gesticulate (ref)
gewgaw (ref)
gimcrack (ref)
glabrous (ref)
gloaming (ref)
glower (ref)
glutinous (ref)
gnomic (ref)
gourmand (ref)
grandee (ref)
grandiloquent (ref)
gravid (ref)
gravitas (ref)
gregarious (ref)
grok (ref)
Grub Street (ref)
gubernatorial (ref)
gustatory (ref)
habitue (ref)
hagiography (ref)
halcyon (ref)
hale (ref)
harangue (ref)
harbinger (ref)
hardscrabble (ref)
harridan (ref)
hauteur (ref)
hebetude (ref)
hector (ref)
hermitage (ref)
heterodox (ref)
heterogeneous (ref)
hinterland (ref)
hirsute (ref)
histrionic (ref)
hoary (ref)
hobbledehoy (ref)
hobnob (ref)
Hobson's choice (ref)
Hogmanay (ref)
hoi polloi (ref)
homily (ref)
hortatory (ref)
hubris (ref)
hugger-mugger (ref)
hullabaloo (ref)
hyperbole (ref)
hypnagogic (ref)
idee fixe (ref)
Ides (ref)
idyll (ref)
ignoble (ref)
ignoramus (ref)
imbroglio (ref)
imbue (ref)
immolate (ref)
immure (ref)
impassible (ref)
impassive (ref)
impecunious (ref)
impervious (ref)
implacable (ref)
importunate (ref)
imprecation (ref)
impregnable (ref)
imprimatur (ref)
improvident (ref)
impugn (ref)
inamorata (ref)
inanition (ref)
incarnadine (ref)
inchoate (ref)
incipient (ref)
inclement (ref)
incommunicado (ref)
incongruous (ref)
incontrovertible (ref)
inculcate (ref)
indefatigable (ref)
indelible (ref)
indigence (ref)
indigent (ref)
indolent (ref)
indomitable (ref)
indurate (ref)
ineffable (ref)
ineffectual (ref)
ineluctable (ref)
inexorable (ref)
ingenue (ref)
ingenuous (ref)
inhere (ref)
inimical (ref)
inkhorn (ref)
innocuous (ref)
inscrutable (ref)
insensate (ref)
insouciant (ref)
insuperable (ref)
interlard (ref)
internecine (ref)
interpolate (ref)
interregnum (ref)
interstice (ref)
intractable (ref)
intransigent (ref)
intrepid (ref)
introspection (ref)
inure (ref)
invective (ref)
inveigh (ref)
inveigle (ref)
inveterate (ref)
invidious (ref)
iota (ref)
irascible (ref)
irenic (ref)
irrefragable (ref)
irrupt (ref)
itinerant (ref)
jape (ref)
jejune (ref)
jeremiad (ref)
jocular (ref)
jocund (ref)
jollification (ref)
jovial (ref)
juju (ref)
junta (ref)
juxtaposition (ref)
ken (ref)
kismet (ref)
kitsch (ref)
knell (ref)
kobold (ref)
kvetch (ref)
labile (ref)
lachrymose (ref)
lackadaisical (ref)
laconic (ref)
lacuna (ref)
lambaste (ref)
lambent (ref)
land of Nod (ref)
languid (ref)
languor (ref)
lapidary (ref)
largess (ref)
lascivious (ref)
lassitude (ref)
latitudinarian (ref)
laudable (ref)
legerdemain (ref)
leitmotif (ref)
lenity (ref)
levity (ref)
lexicography (ref)
lexicon (ref)
libation (ref)
limn (ref)
limpid (ref)
lineament (ref)
lionize (ref)
lissom (ref)
listless (ref)
littoral (ref)
logorrhea (ref)
longueur (ref)
loquacious (ref)
louche (ref)
lubricious (ref)
lucre (ref)
lucubration (ref)
luculent (ref)
ludic (ref)
lugubrious (ref)
luminary (ref)
lumpen (ref)
machination (ref)
maelstrom (ref)
magniloquent (ref)
maladroit (ref)
malaise (ref)
malapropism (ref)
malapropos (ref)
malcontent (ref)
malediction (ref)
malfeasance (ref)
malinger (ref)
malleable (ref)
malodorous (ref)
malversation (ref)
manse (ref)
manumit (ref)
martinet (ref)
masticate (ref)
matutinal (ref)
maudlin (ref)
maunder (ref)
mawkish (ref)
mazy (ref)
megalomania (ref)
megrim (ref)
melange (ref)
melee (ref)
mellifluous (ref)
menagerie (ref)
mendacious (ref)
mendicant (ref)
mephitic (ref)
mercurial (ref)
meretricious (ref)
Methuselah (ref)
meticulous (ref)
metier (ref)
miasma (ref)
microcosm (ref)
mien (ref)
milieu (ref)
militate (ref)
milksop (ref)
mimetic (ref)
minatory (ref)
miscreant (ref)
misnomer (ref)
misprize (ref)
missive (ref)
modicum (ref)
moiety (ref)
moil (ref)
mollify (ref)
monomania (ref)
mordant (ref)
mores (ref)
moribund (ref)
mountebank (ref)
mulct (ref)
multifarious (ref)
munificent (ref)
myriad (ref)
myrmidon (ref)
nadir (ref)
naif (ref)
nascent (ref)
ne plus ultra (ref)
nebbish (ref)
nefarious (ref)
neologism (ref)
neophyte (ref)
neoteric (ref)
nepotism (ref)
nescience (ref)
nettlesome (ref)
nimbus (ref)
nimiety (ref)
noisome (ref)
nolens volens (ref)
nonage (ref)
nonagenarian (ref)
nonpareil (ref)
nonplus (ref)
nosegay (ref)
nostrum (ref)
nugatory (ref)
numinous (ref)
numismatics (ref)
nuptial (ref)
obdurate (ref)
obeisance (ref)
obfuscate (ref)
objurgate (ref)
oblation (ref)
oblivious (ref)
obloquy (ref)
obsequious (ref)
obstreperous (ref)
obtrude (ref)
obviate (ref)
odium (ref)
officious (ref)
olla podrida (ref)
omnipresent (ref)
oneiric (ref)
onus (ref)
opportune (ref)
opprobrium (ref)
orotund (ref)
osculation (ref)
ossify (ref)
ostensible (ref)
ostentation (ref)
ostracize (ref)
otiose (ref)
outre (ref)
overweening (ref)
pablum (ref)
paean (ref)
paladin (ref)
palaver (ref)
palimpsest (ref)
palindrome (ref)
palliate (ref)
pallor (ref)
palpable (ref)
panacea (ref)
panache (ref)
pandemic (ref)
panegyric (ref)
Panglossian (ref)
panjandrum (ref)
panoply (ref)
pantheon (ref)
paragon (ref)
pari passu (ref)
parley (ref)
parlous (ref)
paroxysm (ref)
parse (ref)
parsimonious (ref)
parsimony (ref)
parvenu (ref)
pastiche (ref)
paterfamilias (ref)
patina (ref)
patrician (ref)
paucity (ref)
peccadillo (ref)
peccant (ref)
pecuniary (ref)
pejorative (ref)
pelf (ref)
pellucid (ref)
penchant (ref)
penury (ref)
peradventure (ref)
perambulate (ref)
perdurable (ref)
peregrination (ref)
peremptory (ref)
perfervid (ref)
perfidy (ref)
perforce (ref)
perfunctory (ref)
peripatetic (ref)
permeate (ref)
pernicious (ref)
perorate (ref)
perquisite (ref)
persiflage (ref)
perspicacity (ref)
pertinacious (ref)
pervicacious (ref)
pestiferous (ref)
pettifogger (ref)
phantasmagoria (ref)
philomath (ref)
philter (ref)
physiognomy (ref)
piebald (ref)
pied-a-terre (ref)
pin money (ref)
placate (ref)
plaint (ref)
plaintive (ref)
plangent (ref)
platitude (ref)
plaudit (ref)
plebeian (ref)
plenary (ref)
plenipotentiary (ref)
pleonasm (ref)
plethora (ref)
pliant (ref)
politic (ref)
polyglot (ref)
polymath (ref)
popinjay (ref)
portend (ref)
portent (ref)
portentous (ref)
posit (ref)
postprandial (ref)
potable (ref)
potboiler (ref)
Potemkin village (ref)
potentate (ref)
practicable (ref)
precipice (ref)
precocious (ref)
predilection (ref)
prelapsarian (ref)
preponderate (ref)
prepotency (ref)
presage (ref)
prescience (ref)
prescient (ref)
presentiment (ref)
prestidigitation (ref)
preternatural (ref)
prevaricate (ref)
prima facie (ref)
primogeniture (ref)
prink (ref)
privation (ref)
probity (ref)
proclivity (ref)
procrastination (ref)
profligate (ref)
profuse (ref)
prolix (ref)
Promethean (ref)
pronunciamento (ref)
propinquity (ref)
propitiate (ref)
propitious (ref)
proponent (ref)
propound (ref)
proscribe (ref)
proselytize (ref)
protean (ref)
provenance (ref)
provender (ref)
providential (ref)
puckish (ref)
puerile (ref)
pugilist (ref)
pugnacious (ref)
puissant (ref)
pukka (ref)
pulchritude (ref)
pule (ref)
punctilio (ref)
punctilious (ref)
purblind (ref)
purdah (ref)
pusillanimous (ref)
putative (ref)
putsch (ref)
Pyrrhic victory (ref)
qua (ref)
quaff (ref)
quagmire (ref)
quandary (ref)
quash (ref)
querulous (ref)
quiddity (ref)
quidnunc (ref)
quiescent (ref)
quietus (ref)
quisling (ref)
quixotic (ref)
quondam (ref)
quorum (ref)
quotidian (ref)
raconteur (ref)
raffish (ref)
raillery (ref)
raiment (ref)
rapacious (ref)
rapine (ref)
rapport (ref)
rapprochement (ref)
rara avis (ref)
ratiocination (ref)
raucous (ref)
rebarbative (ref)
recalcitrant (ref)
recherche (ref)
recidivism (ref)
recondite (ref)
recreant (ref)
recrimination (ref)
recrudescent (ref)
recumbent (ref)
redact (ref)
redivivus (ref)
redolent (ref)
redoubt (ref)
redoubtable (ref)
redound (ref)
redress (ref)
refractory (ref)
refulgent (ref)
regale (ref)
rejoinder (ref)
relegate (ref)
remonstrate (ref)
remunerate (ref)
renascent (ref)
renege (ref)
repast (ref)
repine (ref)
repletion (ref)
requisite (ref)
respite (ref)
restive (ref)
reticent (ref)
revenant (ref)
ribald (ref)
rictus (ref)
riparian (ref)
riposte (ref)
risible (ref)
rivulet (ref)
roborant (ref)
robustious (ref)
rodomontade (ref)
roister (ref)
roseate (ref)
rotund (ref)
roue (ref)
rubicund (ref)
ruminate (ref)
rusticate (ref)
sacrosanct (ref)
sagacious (ref)
salad days (ref)
salient (ref)
salmagundi (ref)
salubrious (ref)
salutary (ref)
sanctum (ref)
sang-froid (ref)
sapid (ref)
sapient (ref)
sardonic (ref)
sartorial (ref)
satiety (ref)
saturnine (ref)
scapegrace (ref)
schadenfreude (ref)
scintilla (ref)
sciolism (ref)
scion (ref)
scrabble (ref)
scuttlebutt (ref)
sedition (ref)
sedulous (ref)
segue (ref)
sempiternal (ref)
senescence (ref)
sentient (ref)
sere (ref)
serendipity (ref)
seriatim (ref)
sesquipedalian (ref)
shibboleth (ref)
simulacrum (ref)
sine qua non (ref)
sinecure (ref)
skulduggery (ref)
skulk (ref)
slake (ref)
slaver (ref)
slugabed (ref)
small beer (ref)
sobriquet (ref)
soi-disant (ref)
sojourn (ref)
solace (ref)
solecism (ref)
solicitous (ref)
somniferous (ref)
somnolent (ref)
sonorous (ref)
soporific (ref)
sotto voce (ref)
sough (ref)
specious (ref)
spoonerism (ref)
spoony (ref)
sporadic (ref)
spry (ref)
spurious (ref)
staid (ref)
stanch (ref)
starveling (ref)
stasis (ref)
stentorian (ref)
stertorous (ref)
stoic (ref)
stolid (ref)
stormy petrel (ref)
stripling (ref)
stygian (ref)
suasion (ref)
sub rosa (ref)
subaltern (ref)
subfusc (ref)
sublunary (ref)
subterfuge (ref)
succinct (ref)
succor (ref)
suffuse (ref)
sui generis (ref)
sunder (ref)
superannuated (ref)
supercilious (ref)
supererogatory (ref)
superfluous (ref)
supernal (ref)
supernumerary (ref)
supervene (ref)
supine (ref)
supplant (ref)
supplicate (ref)
supposititious (ref)
surcease (ref)
surfeit (ref)
surly (ref)
surreptitious (ref)
susurration (ref)
susurrus (ref)
swan song (ref)
sybarite (ref)
sycophant (ref)
sylvan (ref)
syncretic (ref)
taciturn (ref)
tarradiddle (ref)
tatterdemalion (ref)
tattoo (ref)
taw (ref)
tchotchke (ref)
teetotaler (ref)
temerarious (ref)
temerity (ref)
temporize (ref)
tendentious (ref)
tenebrous (ref)
tenet (ref)
tergiversation (ref)
termagant (ref)
terminus (ref)
tetchy (ref)
tete-a-tete (ref)
thaumaturgy (ref)
timorous (ref)
tintinnabulation (ref)
tirade (ref)
titivate (ref)
tittle-tattle (ref)
tmesis (ref)
tocsin (ref)
toothsome (ref)
toper (ref)
torpid (ref)
torrid (ref)
tortuous (ref)
tractable (ref)
traduce (ref)
trammel (ref)
transmogrify (ref)
transmute (ref)
travail (ref)
treacly (ref)
tremulous (ref)
trenchant (ref)
trencherman (ref)
trepidation (ref)
trice (ref)
triskaidekaphobia (ref)
troglodyte (ref)
truckle (ref)
truculent (ref)
tryst (ref)
tumid (ref)
tumult (ref)
turbid (ref)
turgid (ref)
turpitude (ref)
tutelage (ref)
tutelary (ref)
tyro (ref)
ubiquitous (ref)
ukase (ref)
ululate (ref)
umbrage (ref)
unctuous (ref)
undulant (ref)
undulate (ref)
unfledged (ref)
unguent (ref)
untoward (ref)
upbraid (ref)
urbane (ref)
uxorious (ref)
vade mecum (ref)
vagary (ref)
vainglory (ref)
valetudinarian (ref)
vapid (ref)
varicolored (ref)
variegated (ref)
vatic (ref)
vehement (ref)
velleity (ref)
venal (ref)
venerate (ref)
venial (ref)
verbiage (ref)
verbose (ref)
verdant (ref)
verdure (ref)
verisimilitude (ref)
veritable (ref)
vertiginous (ref)
vet (ref)
vexillology (ref)
vicissitude (ref)
vim (ref)
virago (ref)
virtu (ref)
visage (ref)
vitiate (ref)
vituperate (ref)
vituperation (ref)
vivify (ref)
vociferous (ref)
volte-face (ref)
voluble (ref)
voluptuary (ref)
votary (ref)
wag (ref)
wan (ref)
wassail (ref)
wastrel (ref)
waylay (ref)
wayworn (ref)
wheedle (ref)
Whig (ref)
winsome (ref)
wiseacre (ref)
wizened (ref)
woebegone (ref)
woolgathering (ref)
wraith (ref)
wunderkind (ref)
xenophobia (ref)
yeasty (ref)
yen (ref)
Zeitgeist (ref)
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Erscheinungsdatum 2008-01-27
Titel Etymologie-Newsletter
International Standard Serial Number - ISSN 1610-2320 (2002-07-10) (E-Mail-Version)
- ISSN 1610-3165 (2002-07-22) (Internet-Archiv-Version)
Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Postanschrift Horst Conrad
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Errare humanum est, perseverare diabolocum, corrigere divinum!
Irren ist menschlich, am Irrtum festhalten teuflisch, (sich) korrigieren (können) göttlich!
Humanum fuit errare, diabolocum est per animasitatem in errore manere.
Menschlich ist es zu irren, teuflisch ist es, leidenschaftlich im Irrtum zu verharren.
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