Tenure-track positions at Montclair State University

Sat Oct 5 01:16:00 UTC 1996

                      STATE UNIVERSITY

     The Linguistics Department at Montclair State University
     announces two tenure-track openings, (subject to funding)
     one at the assistant professor level and one with
     rank open, for Applied Linguists for the Fall 1997
     semester.  Montclair is a New Jersey State teaching
     university located about 15 miles outside of New York
     City.  Candidates for these positions should have a
     primary specialization in one of the following areas of
     Applied Linguistics and a strong secondary specialization
     in another:  Second Language Acquisition, Language Education,
     Literacy, Bilingualism, Discourse Analysis, Sociology of
     Language, and American Sign Language.  Applicants with
     professional experience in contexts where linguistic
     theory is applied are especially encouraged to apply.
     A commitment to undergraduate and graduate education is
     essential.  Responsibilities:  undergraduate and
     graduate teaching in a variety of areas of applied
     linguistics, student advisement, scholarly research,
     and committee assignments.  Qualifications:  Ph.D. in
     Linguistics, university teaching experience and a
     demonstrated record of scholarly research.  Application
     deadline is November 1, 1996 but applications will be
     read until the end of November.  Please send a cover
     letter, curriculum vitae, and 3 letters of
     recommendation to:
               Chair, Search Committee
               Linguistics Department
               Montclair State University
               Box C 316   V - 12
               Upper Montclair, NJ  07043
     Montclair State is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative
     Action Institution.

LINGUIST List: Vol-7-1344.

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