ALT II, Announcement and Call for Papers
auwera at UIA.UA.AC.BE
Sun Oct 6 08:36:21 UTC 1996
Announcement and Call for Papers
The second meeting of the Association for Linguistic Typology
(ALT II) will be held at the University of Oregon, Eugene, from
September 11 to September 14, 1997. (The dates are the same as
those that had been announced earlier. The venue, which is
different from that of some earlier discussions, is in order to
take advantage of the External Possessor Conference to be held
in Eugene immediately preceding ALT II and organized by Doris
Payne, dlpayne at The local organizer for ALT
II will be Scott DeLancey, Department of Linguistics, University
of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1290, USA,
delancey at
Linguists wishing to present a paper at ALT II have to be members
of the Association (information from Johan van der Auwera,
coordinates below). They are are asked to send SIX copies of a
one-page abstract to the chair of the program committee,
Masayoshi Shibatani (address below), to reach him no later than
March 1, 1997. A second page (six copies) may be attached to the
abstract listing data. The program committee will, by May 1,
1997, convey its decision on acceptance of papers to those
submitting abstracts.
Each abstract should include the author's name (or authors'
names) and mailing address (please, just one mailing address for
multiple authors), including telephone, fax, and e-mail address
as available. Each abstract should specify the amount of time
requested for the presentation, including discussion, which may
be 30, 45, or 60 minutes. Members may also submit abstracts for
symposia, including the names of participants and the amount of
time requested (which may, of course, exceed 60 minutes).
Address for mailing abstracts:
Masayoshi Shibatani
Faculty of Letters, Kobe University
1-1, Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku
Kobe 657, Japan
Address for information on ALT:
Johan van der Auwera
Linguistics (GER), University of Antwerp (UIA)
B-2610 Antwerp
auwera at
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