Q: course ideas - Lg & Culture, Lgs of the World

Toshihide Nakayama nakayama at HUMANITAS.UCSB.EDU
Thu Apr 10 05:34:32 UTC 1997

Dear all,

I am going to teach some courses for the first time and I would like to
get your help.

The courses are (1) a graduate seminar on Language & Culture and (2) a
intro-level undergrad course titled Languages of the World.

I would like to have ideas concerning:

   - textbooks
     (in addition to ref., it would be really helpful if you could tell
me your
      experience with them)
   - what kind of things you would put in such courses
   - possible ways of organizing such courses
     (if you don't mind sharing your syllabi and/or reading lists, they
would be
      greatly appreciated)

Thank you very much in advance.  I will post a summary.

(This message will also be posted to the LINGUIST.)

  Toshihide NAKAYAMA
  Dept. of Linguistics
  U of California
  Santa Barbara, CA  93117

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