5th Int'l Cognitive Linguistics Conference

ICLC'97 Local Organizers iclc97 at LET.VU.NL
Sat May 3 12:18:56 UTC 1997


            Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, July 14 - 19, 1997


Our Web site has recently been updated to include the abstracts of all
plenary lectures and theme sessions, as well as a list of all paper and
poster presentations (including schedule information). Visit our site at:


Registration forms and short program information are also available in
ASCII format from iclc at let.vu.nl .

 10 May 1997  Early Registration Deadline (payments must definitely be
              received before 20 May to qualify for the lower 'early' fee)
 mid May '97  Abstract volume, program information, etc.  will be sent
              to all registered participants
 1 June 1997  Deadline for abstracts for a small special Student Session
              (contact Maaike Belien & Ronny Boogaart at boogaart at let.vu.nl)

The conference features the following PLENARY LECTURES:

 George Lakoff (UC Berkeley)
           The Centrality of Explanatory Grounding
           Among Cognitive Linguistic Methodologies
 Len Talmy (SUNY Buffalo)
           Relating Language to Other Cognitive Systems
 Peter Harder (University of Copenhagen)
           Ontology and Methodology: Some Questions about Function,
           Experiential Grounding and _Langue_ in Cognitive Linguistics
 Dirk Geeraerts (University of Leuven)
           Idealistic Tendencies in Cognitive Linguistics
 William Croft (Manchester University)
           The Contribution of Typology to Cognitive Linguistics
 Eve Sweetser (UC Berkeley)
           Mental Spaces and Cognitive Linguistics:
           A Cognitively Realistic Approach to Compositionality
 Ron Langacker (UC San Diego)
           Unity in Diversity: The Coherence of Cognitive Linguistics
 Melissa Bowerman (MPI Nijmegen)
           Form-Meaning Mapping in First-Language Acquisition
 Gilles Fauconnier (UC San Diego)
           Methods and Generalizations

The final highlight of the conference will be a
FEATURED PLENARY TALK on Saturday, 19 July:

 Douglas Hofstadter (Indiana University)
           I'm a guy; you're a guy; he's a guy, but is she one?
           We are guys; you guys are guys; she sure would like to be one.


   ICLC'97 (Theo Janssen & Gisela Redeker)
   Faculteit der Letteren, Vrije Universiteit
   De Boelelaan 1105
   NL-1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands
   fax:   +31-20-4446500
   email: iclc97 at let.vu.nl


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