conversational implicature

Marta Carretero fling11 at EMDUCMS1.SIS.UCM.ES
Tue Feb 9 15:42:28 UTC 1999

        Dear funknetters,

        I would be grateful if some of you gave me some references on
genres/text types/other cases in which the Gricean Cooperative Principle
and Maxims are not followed or
expected to be followed to a large extent (for example: trials, political
interviews, etc.) I would especially like works which use authentic spoken
or written English material, so as to show examples to my students of

        Thanks in advance.

        Best wishes,


Marta Carretero
Departamento de Filologia Inglesa
Facultad de Filologia - Edificio A
Universidad Complutense
28040 - Madrid. Spain. Fax: (341)394-54-78

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