conversational implicature

Ellen F. Prince ellen at CENTRAL.CIS.UPENN.EDU
Tue Feb 9 20:05:22 UTC 1999

>        Dear funknetters,
>        I would be grateful if some of you gave me some references on
>genres/text types/other cases in which the Gricean Cooperative Principle
>and Maxims are not followed or
>expected to be followed to a large extent (for example: trials, political
>interviews, etc.) I would especially like works which use authentic spoken
>or written English material, so as to show examples to my students of
>        Thanks in advance.
>        Best wishes,
>        Marta.

The only type of discourse I can think of that would not follow
the Cooperative Principle to any appreciable extent would be
schizophrenic discourse -- but I don't know if you'd consider
that a 'genre' or 'text type'.

If you think trials or political interviews do not follow Grice,
I suggest you give him another read.

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