Ergo's ATIS results

Philip A. Bralich, Ph.D. bralich at HAWAII.EDU
Wed Jan 27 01:20:01 UTC 1999

As part of the parsing contest we posted last week in which we
challenged members of the academic and industrial NLP community to
meet or beat our parsing results on 100 sentences in the areas of
basic grammatical analysis, navigation and control and question and
answer repartee, we have just posted our results on the ATIS (Air
Travel Industry Sentences) sentences for the standards and tasks of
that contest.

Refer to our web page at for the contest
details, our results on the 100 sentences for that contest and the ATIS
sentences parsed as to the requirements of the contest.  Again we
would be happy to post results from IBM, Microsoft, Stanford, MIT or
any of the smaller companies and universities who would like to
participate in this contest for either the specific 100 sentences of
the contest or for the ATIS sentences.

Contest results will be posted at the end of March or early April, but
we will post all entrants on our web site as soon as they arrive.  We
are especially interested in seeing the ATIS results from other
companies and universities.

Phil Bralich

Philip A. Bralich, President
Ergo Linguistic Technologies
2800 Woodlawn Drive, Suite 175
Honolulu, HI 96822

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