New NLP Books

Philip A. Bralich, Ph.D. bralich at HAWAII.EDU
Thu Jan 28 02:49:54 UTC 1999

After returning from the LSA conference in Los Angeles I was a
little dismayed at the almost total lack of new books (publication
late 98 or early 99) in NLP.  I believe that of the two or three book
publishers who were there, there was only one new title in NLP.

Could readers post to me any newly published or soon to be published
books in this very important area of linguistics?  I will post a
summary to the list.  I would like references to new books dealing
with NLP from statistical or other approaches.  I am especially
interested in books which talk about improvements to navigation and
control devices (particularly with commercially available speech
products), searching databases and the Internet, and question and
answer dialoging systems, but I would like to have as thorough a
biblio- ography of new works in NLP as possible.

Phil Bralich

Philip A. Bralich, Ph.D.
President and CEO

Ergo Linguistic Technologies
2800 Woodlawn Drive, Suite #175
Honolulu, HI 96822

Philip A. Bralich, President
Ergo Linguistic Technologies
2800 Woodlawn Drive, Suite 175
Honolulu, HI 96822

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