Job description, Rice University

Philip W Davis pwd at RICE.EDU
Thu Sep 16 18:24:17 UTC 1999

        Assistant/Associate Professor of Germanic Linguistics
                        Rice University

        The Department of German and Slavic Studies, Rice University, is
seeking to fill a tenure-track or tenured position in Germanic linguistics
at the level of assistant or associate professor beginning fall, 2000. The
Ph.D. is required  by June 2000.
        We are seeking someone with expertise in second-language
acquisition and language pedagogy (emphasizing content-related instruction
and computer assisted language instruction) to help move the German
language program in new directions. Excellence in scholarship and teaching,
and native or near-native fluency in German are expected. The successful
candidate will coordinate the German language program and teach
undergraduate courses in his/her specialization. An ability to contribute
to German cultural studies is highly desirable.
        For full consideration, applications including cover letter, CV, three
letters of recommendation, a representative writing sample, and a teaching
portfolio must be received by November 5, 1999. Applicants are encouraged
to consult the following websites: and Interviews will begin at the annual meeting
of the AATG-ACTFL, 19-21 November, 1999 in Dallas, TX. Reply to: Faculty
Search, Department of German and Slavic Studies MS32, Rice University,
P.O.Box 1892, Houston, TX 77251-1892. E-mail: germ at AA/EOE

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