BLS 26 Call-for-Papers

Alan Yu charon at UCLINK4.BERKELEY.EDU
Fri Sep 17 05:14:58 UTC 1999

Berkeley Linguistics Society 26


February 18-21, 2000. University of California, Berkeley

General Session:
The General Session will cover all areas of general linguistic interest.

    Invited Speakers
    ELLEN PRINCE, University of Pennsylvania
    MICHAEL TOMASELLO, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology
    SHERMAN WILCOX, University of New Mexico
    WALT WOLFRAM, North Carolina State University

Parasession:  Aspect

The Parasession invites papers on aspectual systems and related phenomena
from various theoretical/formal, historical, cognitive,
functional, sociolinguistic, and typological perspectives, as well as
descriptive work and field reports.

    Invited Speakers
    BETH LEVIN, Stanford University
    ANGELIKA KRATZER, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
    MANFRED KRIFKA, University of Texas, Austin

Special Session:  Syntax and Semantics of the Indigenous Languages of the

The Special Session will feature research on the indigenous languages of
the Americas.  Papers addressing both synchronic and
diachronic issues are welcome.

    Invited Speakers
    EMMON BACH, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
    MARIANNE MITHUN, University of California, Santa Barbara
    JERRY SADOCK, University of Chicago

We encourage proposals from diverse theoretical frameworks and welcome
papers from related disciplines, such as Anthropology,
Cognitive Science, Computer Science, Literature, Philosophy, and Psychology.

Papers presented at the conference will be published in the Society's
Proceedings, and authors who present papers agree to provide
camera-ready copy (not to exceed 12 pages) by May 15, 2000.  Presentations
will be allotted 20 minutes with an additional 10 minutes
for questions.

We ask that you make your abstract as as specific as possible.  Include a
statement of your topic or problem, your approach, and your
conclusions.  Please send 10 copies of an anonymous one-page (8 1/2" x 11",
unreduced) abstract.  The reverse side of the page may be
used for data and references only.

Along with the abstract send a 3"x5" card listing:

  #paper title;
  #session (General, Parasession, or Special);
  #for general session abstracts only, subfield, viz., Discourse Analysis,
        Historical Linguistics, Morphology, Philosophy and
        Methodology of Linguistics, Phonetics, Phonology, Pragmatics,
        Psycholinguistics, Semantics, Sociolinguistics, or Syntax;
  #name(s) of author(s);
  #affiliation(s) of author(S);
  #e-mail address to which notification of acceptance or rejection should
        be sent;
  #primary author's office and home phone numbers;
  #primary author's e-mail address, if available.

An author may submit at most one single and one joint abstract.  In case of
joint authorship, one address should be designated for
communication with BLS.
Please send abstracts to:

    BLS 26 Abstracts Committee
    1203 Dwinelle Hall
    University of California, Berkeley
    CA  94720-2650.

Abstracts must be received by 4:00 p.m., October 29, 1999.  We may be
contacted by e-mail at bls at  We
will not accept faxed abstracts.

We strongly encourage submission by e-mail. Please use the subject header
"Abstract", and include all the author
information in the body of the e-mail. Electronic submissions may be sent
to bls-abs at

Plain text abstracts should be sent in the body of the e-mail, following
the author information. Acceptable formats are  (in a descending
order of preference):

1. Adobe PDF;
2. Microsoft Word;
3. Microsoft RTF;
4. Plain text

Abstracts in formats other than plain text should be sent as an attachment
to your e-mail. PDF and PostScript files should have all fonts
embedded. Wirh the exception of SIL IPA fonts, please include any
non-standard fonts that you use (including all non-SIL IPA phonetic
and mathematical fonts). If you send your abstract in any format other than
plain text, please allow for time to solve any technical
difficulties that may arise.

Acknowledgment of receipt will be via e-mail. If you cannot use e-mail,
please make note of this and provide us with your postal

Notification of acceptance will be sent via e-mail by November 20, 1999.

Registration Fees:  Before February 5, 2000; $15 for students, $30 for
non-students; After February 5, 2000; $20 for students, $35 for

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