Chinese Linguistics Position at UCLA

Shoichi Iwasaki iwasaki at HUMNET.UCLA.EDU
Sat Sep 25 18:31:15 UTC 1999

University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1540. The
Department of East Asian Languages & Cultures invites applications/nominations
for two positions in Chinese Studies.

The first is a tenure-track position in Chinese Linguistics at the
assistant professor
rank.  We seek a specialist in functional, applied, or historical
linguistics, with a
strong commitment to Chinese-language pedagogy and TA training. The
appointee will coordinate the dept.'s large Chinese language program, teach
courses in intermediate and advanced modern Chinese, and contribute to the
dept.'s East Asian comparative linguistics graduate program. Ph.D. expected

The second is a tenured position at the full professor rank in Pre-modern
Literature and Cultural Studies. We seek a scholar with demonstrated
in teaching & research and promise of continued productivity. The appointee
take an active role in developing the dept.'s classical Chinese curriculum, and
teach advanced lecture and reading courses in pre-mod. literature & cult.
at both the undergrad. & grad. levels. We prefer a candidate who complements
existing departmental strengths in classical literature and who
demonstrates broad
theoretical and/or
interdisciplinary interests.

Both appointments to begin July 1, 2000. Send letter of application, vita,
statement of research & teaching interests, representative publications, and
arrange at least 3 letters of recommendation, to Robert Buswell, Chair, c/o
Chinese Search Committee, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures,
Box 951540, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1540.  For further information,
contact via e-mail: Buswell at Review of applications will begin
November 15, 1999, but both searches will remain open until positions are
The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
Employer. Women and Minorities are
encouraged to apply.

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