
O'Donoghue Ellen edonoghue at BLACKWELLPUBLISHERS.CO.UK
Tue Sep 28 12:58:07 UTC 1999

New for 1999: the Journal of Sociolinguistics is moving to 4 issues a year.
Please find below information on the latest edition:

Edited by Allan Bell and Nikolas Coupland, ISSN:1360-6441, 4 issues a year,
Volume 3, 1999


On the narrative vs non-narrative functions of reported speech: A
socio-pragmatic study - Diane Vincent and Laurent Perrin

Asking elaborate questions: Focus groups and the management of spontaneity -
Claudia Puchta and Jonathon Potter

Alternative ideologies of la francophonie - Monica Heller

Mock Ebonics: Linguistic racism in parodies of Ebonics on the Internet -
Maggie Ronkin and Helen E Karn

Literacy in the modern world - Geoff Hall

The Journal of Sociolinguistics has rapidly established itself as an
indispensable resource for sociolinguists, providing a forum for stimulating
theoretical debate in areas such as language variation, discourse analysis,
pragmatics, multilingual communities ad psychology of language.

For further subscription details or to request a sample copy please contact
Clare Carter (quoting reference 99BB488 at:
ccarter at or visit the website at:

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