Dubrovnik Courses/Conference on Syntax & Semantics

vanvalin at ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU vanvalin at ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU
Wed Feb 23 16:59:17 UTC 2000


Conference and courses on NEW THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES

to be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia, from September 2 to
10, 2000

A five-day working week of courses will be given by:

R. Van Valin (SUNY Buffalo)
     'Syntactic Theory'
D. Wilkins (MPI Nijmegen)
     'Diachronic Semantics'
J. Pustejovsky (Brandeis U)
     'The Generative Lexicon and Semantic Theory'
D. Everett (SIL International)
     'Lexical Integrity and Word-formation in Optimality Theory'
R. Matasovic (U of Zagreb)
     'Synchronic and Diachronic Typology of Syntactic
     Structures' (tentative)

Additional courses will be announced in March.

The five-day course week will be followed by a
three-day conference.

Deadline for submission of abstracts: June 1, 2000

The first official announcement with further details
will appear during the first week of March.

For further information please contact:
ctt.cogsci at fsb.hr

     University of Zagreb
     The State University of New York at Buffalo

Organizing committee:
     Rober D. Van Valin, Jr. SUNY Buffalo
     David P. Wilkins, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics,
     Milena Zic Fuchs, University of Zagreb
     Zrinka Jelaska, University of Zagreb
     Melita Kovacevic, University of Zagreb
     Ranko Matasovic, University of Zagreb

Conference secretaries:
     Nina Tudjman, Univesity of Zagreb
     Irena Zovko, University of Zagreb

Robert D. Van Valin, Jr.                  Tel 716 645-2177, ext. 713
Professor & Chair                         Fax 716 645-3825
Department of Linguistics
609 Baldy Hall
State University of New York at Buffalo
Buffalo, NY 14260-1030   USA              VANVALIN at ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU

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