SAALA Conference (fwd)
Michael Barlow
barlow at RICE.EDU
Thu Feb 24 14:07:16 UTC 2000
Posted for DAVE GOUGH
Southern African Applied Linguistics Association
Suider-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Toegepaste Linguistiek
SAALA Umbutho Wasemazantsi E-Afrika
Wezingokusetyenziswa Kolwimi
Conference theme: Towards a Socially Responsible Applied Linguistics
Dates: 14-16 September Venue: University of Stellenbosch
Hosts: University of the Western Cape and University of Stellenbosch
Abstracts: Abstracts of papers, poster presentations and
workshops should be no more than 200 words. They should be in MS Word format
and include the following information:
* Title, presenter's or presenters' names, addresses,
telephone numbers and email addresses
* An indication as to whether the abstract is for a
poster presentation, a workshop (90 minutes) or a paper. If you are
presenting a paper also indicate if it is going to be a
o shorter paper, on, for example, work in progress
(30 minutes * 20 minutes plus 10 minutes discussion time) or
o a longer paper (45 minutes * 25 minutes plus 20
minutes discussion time).
Abstracts must be mailed to dgough at If applicants
do not have access to email, they may post or fax their abstracts to:
David Gough (SAALA Abstract), Department of Linguistics,
University of the Western Cape, Private Bag X17, Bellville, 7535, South Africa
(Fax: +27 21 959 2420 or 959 2376)
Final date for submission of abstracts is 19 May.
Acceptances will be announced by 29 May.
* Details of registration, costs and accommodation will
be posted after 29 May.
Conference organising committee: Prof. A. Weideman
(albertw at Dr
P. van der Merwe (pvdmerwe at, Dr E Ridge
(er at Mr
D. Spofana (dspofana at Prof D Gough
(dgough at
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