Linguistic Olympics update

Tom Payne tpayne at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Thu May 11 01:42:44 UTC 2000

Thank you very much to those who have looked at the
Linguistic Olympics website and given me suggestions on how
to improve it. I neglected to mention in my posting
yesterday that I very much appreciate comments on the
individual problems from those who are familiar with the
languages involved. I cannot do all the background research
on these languages myself, and so I rely on the support of
the community of linguists to check on the accuracy of the
information presented in the problems. This is an
educational outreach that represents the whole field of
linguistics and so I want the information to be absolutely

Just as a reminder, the site is found at Some systems
may require you to type

Thank you again for your comments and suggestions. And I do
look forward to receiving many more linguistic problems.

Tom Payne

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