ICLC 2001

Sherman Wilcox wilcox at UNM.EDU
Mon May 15 15:18:04 UTC 2000

7th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference

July 22-27, 2001
University of California, Santa Barbara

The ICLC is the biannual meeting of the International Cognitive Linguistics
Association.  The 2001 ICLC will be held at the University of California,
Santa Barbara in conjunction with the Linguistic Institute sponsored by the
Linguistic Society of America.

Plenary Speakers

Sandra Thompson (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Arie Verhagen (University of Leiden)
Sherman Wilcox (University of New Mexico)
Laura Janda (University of North Carolina)
Yoshihiko Ikegami (University of Tokyo)

General Information

Besides regular papers and posters, applications will be accepted for a
small number of theme sessions.  Detailed proposals will be required for
theme sessions, with preference given to those lasting a half day or less.
Specific requirements for submitting abstracts and proposals will be posted
on the ICLC website.

Some Important Dates

October 1, 2000 Proposals for theme sessions due.
November 15, 2000 Abstracts for papers and posters due.

Contact Information

For up-to-date information on all matters, check the ICLC website:


If the information you need is not yet available, feel free to contact the

Organizing Committee

Ronald Langacker, University of California, San Diego (rlangacker at ucsd.edu)
Michel Achard, Rice University (achard at rice.edu)
Suzanne Kemmer, Rice University (kemmer at rice.edu)
Eve Sweetser, University of California, Berkeley
(sweetser at cogsci.berkeley.edu)
Sherman Wilcox, University of New Mexico (wilcox at unm.edu)

Advisory Committee

Wallace Chafe, University of California, Santa Barbara
(chafe at humanitas.ucsb.edu)
Jack DuBois, University of California, Santa Barbara
(dubois at humanitas.ucsb.edu)
Robert Kirsner, University of California, Los Angeles
(kirsner at humnet.ucla.edu)
Johanna Rubba, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
(jrubba at calpoly.edu)

Ronald W. Langacker
Linguistics, 0108
University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA  92093

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