Lecturer on Linguistics

Suzanne Kemmer kemmer at RICE.EDU
Sat Mar 8 17:43:17 UTC 2003

                      Lecturer on Linguistics

                             Rice University

The Department of Linguistics, Rice University, seeks a Lecturer for the
AY 2003-2004. Ph.D. required. We are a functionally oriented department,
and we are looking for a recent Ph.D. who shares that approach to
language. Course load is two per semester. Possible courses are
Introduction to Linguistics, Phonetics, Phonology, Syntax & Semantics,
and Historical Linguistics. For full consideration, reply by April 4
with three letters of recommendation to Chair, Department of Linguistics
MS23, 6100 Main St., Rice University, Houston, TX 77005. E-mail:
ling at rice.edu. AA/EOE.

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