Cfp: SKY Journal of Linguistics

Seppo Kittela sepkit at UTU.FI
Fri Mar 21 06:42:58 UTC 2003

SKY Journal of Linguistics, the annual publication of the Linguistic
Association of Finland, calls for contributions on any linguistic topic and
within any theoretical framework. In addition to full-length articles, short
²squibs² of up to five pages, book reviews and conference reports are
welcomed. The languages of publication are English, French, and German. All
articles are reviewed by two anonymous referees.

The deadline for initial submission for the 2003 issue of the journal is May
31, 2003. For more information, visit our web pages at


or contact one of the editors:

Seppo Kittilä
Dept. of Linguistics
Hämeenkatu 2 A 8
FIN-20014 University of Turku
e-mail: seppo.kittila at

Jouni Rostila
German Language and Culture
FIN-33014 University of Tampere
e-mail: jouni.rostila at

Ulla Tuomarla
Dept. of French
P.O. Box 24
FIN-00014 University of Helsinki
e-mail: tuomarla at

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