teach help request

Asuncion Villamil asunvt at yahoo.es
Wed Jan 12 14:57:39 UTC 2005

In Spanish the translation for the terms you suggested could be the following:

teach - enseñar

educate  - educar

instruct - instruir

indoctrinate - adoctrinar

tutor - guiar, ser tutor de

explain - explicar

show - mostrar, enseñar

demonstrate - demostrar

discipline - disciplinar

inform - informar

coach - entrenar

edify - edificar

prepare - preparar

inculcate - incultar

Most of them share the same root and I guess the meaning is quite similar. In the case of inform, edify or prepare the meaning of "teaching" is quite general, why do you include them in the same group? Another question is: how do you differentiate between verbs of "saying" and "telling" and verbs of "teaching"?

Asunción Villamil

asunvt at yahoo.es


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