"flag" for case/adposition / Functeme
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schulze
W.Schulze at lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Thu Jul 13 15:48:18 UTC 2006
(a) Dear Östen,
many thanks for this nice example. One additional question: Doesn't
the Russian phrase you quote represent an appositional chain [each of
the terms kolleg, nashij, and Andrej Shevchenko have strong referential
>In Russian, prepositions can be doubled in a way that looks like incipient
>case agreement. This shows up above all in genres like folklore, but here is
>a beautiful example I just found on the Internet:
>"...u kollegi u nashego u Andreja Shevchenko byla klassnaja citata..."
>at colleague.GEN at our.GEN at Andrej.GEN Shevchenko.GEN be.PRET.F.SG
>first-class quotation
>'our colleague A.S. had a first-class quotation'
(b) Dear Marcel,
> A question: Relational nouns (or auxiliary nouns, as I have called
> them), which inflect for person plus case and/or are themselves
> governed by adpositions, assume relational functions similar to case
> and adpositions in (among others) Turkic and Semitic languages. Which
> of the terms discussed are intended to cover them?
*If* I understand you correctly, you refer to constuctions like the
following Tyvan example:
ot üstü-n-den
fire top-*3SG:POSS-ABL
'from the top of the fire'
I have glossed -n- as *3SG:POSS just because it merely is a diachronic
interpretation (hope that I have got this right!). According to my
approach, I would interpret ot üstü-n- in terms of an appositional
structure [unspecific possessive construction or so, if you like] (fire
*its=top), which is then case-marked by ABL -den. The marker -den (the
relational echo) would be motivated by the appropriate verb (e.g.
'[ashes] [fell from] [top of the fire]'.
(c) Dear Claude,
> I coin FUNCTEME in the following way: the suffix -eme, in the
> terminology of linguistics as well as in that of other sciences,
> regularly refers to "a unit (often the smallest one) of what the root
> says" (cf. phoneme, toneme, sememe, etc.). The root, in funct-eme,
> says that the unit in question merely indicates the function of
> the element (mostly a noun or noun phrase) that it governs: Engl. for
> in for my friend indicates that my friend is the benefactive
> complement of the predicate. It is obvious that prepositions like for
> also have a meaning (and this is the main reason why case was
> originally used by Fillmore 1968 in a semantic acception), but
> functeme strictly refers to the syntactic role of relators. Thus,
> functeme precisely says what relators are actually from the
> morphological and syntactic point(s) of view: they are units of
> function marking.
You say: "The 'unit (...) indicates the function of the element (...)
that it governs". Admittedly, I have some problems in understanding this
phrase: Maybe that e.g. prepostions govern their NP/nouns (personally, I
do not think so, rather, I believe that it is the cluster
{verb+preposition} that governs the NP/noun). But let's take an example
with case marking: amic-us flor-em videt 'The friend sees the flower'.
Can we really say, that -us *itself* 'governs' the referent 'friend',
and -em the referent 'flower'? Isn't it the verb videt that governs the
distribution of case markers (> relational echos, in my terms)? Or did I
get you wrong?
Best wishes,
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schulze
Institut fuer Allgemeine und Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen
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